Chapter LXIII

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"It's time. At Dusk we ride to a destiny that all the Seven Kingdoms should be thankful we are fulfilling. As each of you stand and make this sacrifice think of every mother, father and child that you are saving. Many know not of what we're about to face today but we do and that's all that matters. May we rise victorious and the threat of white walkers lives no more!"

The trembling in his voice sounded passionate to some but Taliya knew the difference. He was scared. She was as well but today she would defeat the Night King and be free of her past.

The plan was for Jon and Daenerys to take to the skies. While they faced the greater threat Taliya would guard Bran by the Godswood.

Thousands of men, wildlings, Dothraki and Unsullied began to take their positions. The wait was long and Taliya could feel her heart beat growing.

Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

Walking towards Bran she asked him, "Aren't you nervous? He's here for you."

"He's here for us both Kallima. Michedroa was once a man who betrayed the only woman who would ever love him. He wanted to use your growing power to help him rule over ever living being in Westeros. The more you learn the power continues to grow inside of you. He's here for your power and my knowledge. There will be a lot of loss on this day but relief awaits us at the end."

Taliya wrapped her arms around Bran and whispered "If we happen to join the dead today I'm glad I got a chance to protect the Raven." She kissed his cheek and assumed her position.

The sun slowly entered its resting place and when the final shred of light had disappeared the first horn played.


It was really happening.


There was no turning back.


It was time.

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