Chapter XLIII

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The further North she traveled the colder it got. The decision to leave was purely out of frustration and she was instantly regretting it. How was she supposed to do this? Just walk up to the most frightening White Walker and be like 'Hey Dad!'? How would she even begin to find him?

Taliya could tell Thunder was getting tired so she found a nice spot in the woods for them to rest. She tied him up to a tree and searched through Benjins bags to see what kind of food he had. After a while she realized something."He's dead he doesn't eat."

The least she could do is get some kind of sleep so she leaned her back against the tree and waited for the relief to hit her. Her eyes were getting heavy and her mind was empty. Slowly she sailed off into a beautiful dream.

"Jon?" she called.

From pitch black to a grassy mountainside she looked around her. A man was walking around seeming to be searching for something. He had scraggly dark hair and he looked as if he had been traveling. She walked closer and realized it wasn't Jon but his face reminded her of someone.

"Are you okay? Where are we?" She asked as she walked closer to him but no response. In front of him directly now she asked "Can you see me? Can you hear me?" Nothing.

She was having a vision.

Except this one didn't seem to be of the future. She knew this because as she looked towards the higher peaks of the mountain she noticed where she was, The Fists, but they weren't covered in deep snow.

She decided to follow the man and he led her back to a group of men sitting by a fire pit.

"Did anyone see you Michedroa?" asked one of the men. He was a bigger man with sandy blonde hair and a magestic beard. Taliya was drawn in by his crown of vines. She thought back to her small lessons in the history of Westeros & instantly knew who he was. Garth Greenhand, the High King of the First Men. He was said to have led the First Men across the Arm of Dorne to settle onto Westeros.

"No Garth I'm sure someone is around here somewhere. The evidence is all around that there is some kind of human life here." Michedroa. Her father. She had no idea how much she looked like his human form. Taliya was practically her fathers twin. From the long dark hair to the emerald eyes.

She continued to observe the group of men. Garth and some of the others walked off into a tent nearby. There was some kind of meeting happening from what she could tell. She watched their shadows dance across the tent in the candlelight.

"If we could just find the life source we could build some kind of treaty. With the Arm of Dorne being destroyed there is no one new coming to this land." She could hear Garths voice carry throughout the wood. She decided to have a look around the old land and see if she noticed any kind of clues as to why she was present in this time.

Eventually she stumbled across Michedroa searching on his own. Following him she watched as he snuck through the woods under the blanket of darkness. Suddenly she saw him being grabbed and taken by someone. He didn't struggle or make any noise he kind of just let it happen.

Following closely behind the assailant Taliya noticed something familiar. The way they moved so lightly on their feet but also the little Bomb attached to their side. Leaf. But what was she doing here?

She was about to witness her parents first interaction.

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