Chapter LXVI

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Her heart pounded as she hit the Kingsroad. She hadn't been to Kings Landing in so long she was nervous. Thinking back to when she first left she reminisced on how her life used to be "normal".

Everything was so different now. All the secrets were out in the open and she knew everything.

It was time she confronted Jon about the whisper of her future self. Taliya had to admit she was scared. Just defeating her father now she may have to do the unthinkable.

Arriving upon Kings Landing she watched as a sea of flames spread and the screams of innocents rang through the skies.

Some people were running out the front gate covered in ash and blood.

Stopping a terrified woman "What's going on?"

"The Red Keep is falling. They've rang the bells but the dragon lady is still attacking. WERE ALL GONNA DIE!"

Taliya unsheathed the dagger and ran into the mob of bodies.

So many people lay dead before her. Others had turned to ash. Making her way to Flea Bottom she watched the few survivors screaming in agony.

"Shes done it... She's taken back the Iron Throne.."


Taliya ran around the corner and was greeted by this familiar face.


"Taliya! You're awake. What are you doing here?"

She didn't answer as she wrapped her arms around him. Sobbing with relief that he hadn't died in this foolish battle.

"Jon we need to talk. But not here." She grabbed his hand and led him through the streets.

Reaching an abandoned alleyway in Flea Bottom she maneuvered them through many tunnels until she arrived at a door.

"Where are we?" Jon asked as they entered.

"Home." Taliya said.

There was nothing but a ragged bed on the ground with food scraps surrounding it. She never claimed to live the best life but it was hers.


She put her finger over his lips to silence him. Taliya didn't want his pity. Leaning in for a kiss he stopped her.

"I..Daenerys and I.."

Taliya had tears welling up in her eyes. It was true. He had no real love for her. It stung in the moment but she knew who she truly wanted. Benjin hadn't left her mind since she woke up.

Constantly worrying herself that he fell when the Night King did but his life was given by the children so she still held onto hope. Maybe she could have the life she'd always dreamed of.

"I had a vision." She told Jon.

"What vision?" Jon asked.

"I saw myself from the future. She looked happier and finally free. She whispered to me that I carried a grander fate than killing my father. 'Save the innocents. The fire may burn bright but your blade will save them all."

Before Jon could speak Taliya grabbed a rock from the ground and hit him over the head with it. 

"I'm sorry but there's something I've got to do."

Her Watch Has Ended Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon