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Chrollo POV: 

After I dropped Kurapika off I went to base. The others were waiting for me there. All of them were there as requested. 

"Oi boss! What are we gonna do today?!" Uvogin shouted at me as soon as I entered. 

"Give him a break. Let him get situated before speaking." Shalnark told Uvo. I sat at my usual space. 

"We are gonna raid the auction." I told them. 

"What are we getting?" Uvo asked.

"Everything." I responded. They were surprised. "Are you scared?" I asked. Uvo walked up. 

"Are you kidding? I'm shaking with excitement! Tell us the order!"He yelled. I smiled. 

"We are going to steal everything at the auction tonight!" I said loudly. Uvo could hardly contain his joy.

Kurapika POV:

I sighed. Neon-sama was throwing a tantrum because she couldn't come to the auction.

"Please calm down miss. Your father said he'd get you anything you'd like at the auction and bring it home." I stated. She calmed down a bit.

"Really?" She asked. I nodded. She squealed in delight. 

"Yay! Are you gonna be there?" She asked me.

"Yes. I'm doing the bidding for you. After this conversation. I'll go home and change to go to the auction." I said.

"Go right now! I want you to get there as fast as possible!" She demanded. I bowed and took my leave. I called Chrollo to pick me up. He's in his way. I saw a black vehicle drive up and the window rolled down. 

"Wassup baby?" Chrollo said from inside the car. I walked closer and got in. 

"Nothing much. Just have to go to the auction tonight." I replied. He looked like he froze but then he smiled. I guess it was my imagination. 

"Wanna get ice cream?" He asked. Why did he ask so suddenly? I connected the dots. Car and ice cream.... my face turned red and he had a smirk on his face. 

"You pervert!" I yelled at him! If he weren't driving I would've punched him. 

"What? Do you not want to do it again~?" He asked. With his left hand he continued to drive and his right arm he put around me.

"I HATE, ABSOLUTELY LOATH BOKU NO PICO. Mention it again and you'll end up in the hospital!" I growl at him. 

"When did you see it?" Chrollo asked almost laughing. 

"Me and my friend Leorio thought it was some new anime show and...." my voice trailed off as he burst out laughing. I really need to punch this guy!

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