Love is In le air

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Kurapika POV:

I tried to get up. It was successful for about a second or two before my legs gave out and I collapsed on the couch. Chrollo sat next to me. Took a piece of the waffle with the fork and put it in front of my face.

"Say ahh~" he said. I opened my mouth and he put the waffle in my mouth. After I ate my entire waffle he ate his and went to wash the dishes. I tried getting up again and it worked. But once I tried taking a step forward I collapsed back on the couch. Damn bastard. My legs. I sighed and sat up strait. And got up again. I took a step. It was shaky but this time I stood up. I carefully walked to the kitchen where Chrollo was at and hugged him from behind. He swiftly picked me up and put me back on the couch. The curtains were open and I thought he was just looking out the window but he closed the curtains instead.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He looked at me. And came closer to me. And kneeled down and came close to my face.

"Morning sex." He said. My face got red. 

"W-what?!" I whisper yelled.

"Morning sex. I'm still horny." He said with a strait face. I noticed his cheeks were slightly pink.

"Are you on drugs?" I ask with a serious face. He got on top of me and kissed me. I felt his hand go up my shirt and he started to play with my nipples. I moaned while he was kissing me. I broke the kiss. "I'm still recovering from last night! I won't be able to walk if we continue!" I tell him.

"That's good." He said. 

(This is the face Kurapika is giving Chrollo)

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(This is the face Kurapika is giving Chrollo)

Sauce: Inso's Law

Chrollo POV:

I was not just a little horny. I was a lot horny. We had sex last night so I don't know why, all I know is that I was still really really needy. Kurapika sighed.

"What is it?" I asked.

"If we do it right now, we won't do anymore this week." He said. My mentality crashed. I won't get him for a week.

"F-fine.... we won't do it..." I sniffed.

"That's better." He said. Just then, my phone rang. I looked at it and it was Shalnark. I picked it up and he told me they had the stuff. 

"I gotta go." I told Kurapika. 

"Work?" He asked. I nodded. I feel kinda guilty about lying but he'd hate me if he found out I was apart of the Phantom Troupe, he'd hate me... I kissed him and left for base. 

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