Truth and...?

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Chrollo POV: 

"You really are cute Kurapika." I said. I could see him blush as I pulled him closer. 

"Did you forget there's a consul between us? Because I'm hurting." Kurapika stated. I quickly released him from my arm and drove with two hands again.

"Sorry." I said. 

"It's ok." Kurapika replied. I heard him sigh. He sounded sad and annoyed at the same time.

"Did something happen at work?" I asked. 

"You have no idea. Boss wants me to go to the auction and get his daughter what she wants...." he replied with an annoyed tone with a hint of sadness. He wasn't annoyed at me so that's good.

"You still sound sad though." I said still looking at the road.

"He especially wants me to get the Kurta Clans eyes." He said. I thought he sounded sad but no. He was angry. Super angry. I glance over at him and see his eyes slightly glowing red. I look back at the road.

"You're a Kurta huh?" I asked. I could tell her froze then relaxed.

"Yeah..." he said quietly. I drive into the parking lot and we go into Kurapika's apartment. I lock the door behind us. Kurapika just stood there staring out the window. I hugged him from behind. I can't ever let him know I'm the leader of the Phantom Troupe. He'll hate me... Kurapika turns tword me crying. He hugs me as I hug him, crying into my shoulder. After a few minutes he let's go. No more tears streaming down his face. 

"Are you ok?" I asked. He nodded. He went off to make dinner for the both of us. I had an idea. But it would only work after dinner. 

-time skip after dinner-

"You keep staring at me. What is it?" Kurapika asked. I was sitting on the couch and he was standing in front of me. I pulled him down onto my lap. He blushed. 

"W-what?!" He asked me in a surprised yelp. 

"Let's have sex." I said.

Chrollo x KurapikaWhere stories live. Discover now