To pull a Ging

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Chrollo POV:

I hugged Kurapika. He was just so scared... That Amaryllis girl is pretty creepy. But she is useful. I kiss Kurapika on the forhead. I just wanted to have sex with him again. 

"Hey Kurapika~" I say. He looks at me.

"No. It's the afternoon." He says like he was reading my mind. 

"Please?~" I ask. He shook his head. I sighed.

"Anyway, can you please make me steak?" He asked. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Sure." I say. I walk out to the kitchen.

Kurapika POV:

I don't mind being here. I really do love Chrollo but this is too much. I sigh. A guys gotta do what a guys gotta do. I have to pull a Ging. I walk to the balcony. I was like at the top floor. But thats ok. I'm not supposed to be outside by myself and the balcony glass door is usually locked but today was my lucky day. I use my chains to carry my down but to also avoid being caught. I reach the ground and run. Really fast. Thank god I'm fast. It only took about half an hour to get to Gon and Killua's apartment. I knock on the door. 

(Just so you know, in this AU Gon and Killua are both 16)

"Killua!" I say. He looks surprised and lets me in.

"What's wrong?" He asked I see Gon asleep on the couch so I make it quick. 

"Can I stay here?" I ask as I finish explaining.

"Of course." He says. He then goes to bring me lunch.

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