Genderbend! (Not part of the story)

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Authors note: Ok, so I wanted to do this for fun. So I guess you could say it's a special. Anyway, enjoy!

Kurapika POV:

I walk into the kitchen. Chrollo was sleeping on the couch and I was thirsty. I see a water bottle on the counter and drink it. ( Me: I did it. I disguised the potion as a water bottle UwU) I feel myself start to burn up. I grab my chest but I feel something kinda.... soft and squishy. I looked down to see boobs.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I scream. I heard Chrollo run towards me.

"What's wro-" he starts to say before he sees my chest. He bursts out laughing.

"This isn't funny!" I cry. He pats my head. 

"I know. But now we can really do the car scene from BOKU no PICO." He says laughing. His laughing is cut short when I punch him in the stomach with all my strength. He topples over.

"Idiot!" I say and then stick my tongue out at him. 

"W-why did you do that?!" He coughs.

"You know why!" I tell him. He get up and hugs me. It was 7 pm. I sigh. 

"Why did you sigh?" he asks.

"Just tired." I said. He smirked and carried me to the bedroom and shut the door.

Authors note: We all know what happened to Kurapika UwU. Kurapika turned back into a boy in the morning too.

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