Finding out...?

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Kurapika POV:

I woke up to the smell of waffles. I tried to get up but failed to do so. Chrollo that bastard. He's so dead! I force myself up and somehow, possibly through willpower, get up and change. I change the sheets and quickly walk to the kitchen, where Chrollo was at. I kick him from behind.

"Hey! What was that for?!" He yelped.

"That's for last night!" I yell at him. He sighs. 

"Sorry..." he says in a sad voice. He looks sad now and my heart went 'Ugh!'. This guy....

"F-fine I forgive you..." I say. He perks up like a puppy and hugs me. 

"I'm gonna go take a shower." He tells me. He nods and heads for the bathroom. I hear the shower turn on and a couple minutes in I heard his phone go off from a text message. I picked it up cause I wanted to play a prank on the person who sent it because I know his password. But when I looked at it, it said.... Phantom Troupe. I feel my eyes go red. I read the text message. 

Feitan: Boss, can you tell us our tasks? You weren't here last night so we didn't receive orders.

I squeezed the phone a bit. Chrollo was here with me last night. And other members were popping up in the chat. How could Chrollo? HOW COULD HE?! I hear him get out of the shower. A few minutes later, he came out. He came out looking happy but when he saw me he looked confused. 

"What's wrong babe?" He asks.

"DONT 'WHATS WRONG BABE' ME!" I yell at him, tears streaming down my face. He looked concerned. 

"For real, what's wrong?" He asks in an all serious voice. I show him the texts and his face fell. 

"Y-you can't- I-I-!" I try saying something but no words come out. 

"I knew this would happen." He said. 

"KNEW WHAT?!" I shout at him. 

"That you'd hate me if you knew I was apart of the Phantom Troupe." He said.

"Y-YOU LIED TO ME!" I sob. He also has tears streaming down his face. 

"H-how could you?!" I ask him, tears still streaming down my face. 

Chrollo POV: 

I hated seeing him cry. I also hate him hating me. I wanted to be with him forever! But that might not happen now. Unless..... he suddenly had chains on his hand. He's a Conjurer! I walk towards him. He steps back and freezes. 

"Don't come any closer!" He shouts at me. I swiftly knocked him unconscious. And carry him princess style.

"Sorry Kurapika. But it looks like I'll have to use force to keep you at my side..." I say sadly. I wanted him to willingly stay at my side. But it looks like that's impossible for now. I get my belongings and head to the car so we could go to base. 

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