~Chapter 20~

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A/N: Hey people! Ms. Author here. Ok so I lied, there's one more chapter after this one! I'll have an epilogue too, they're my favorite. Ok I'll stop talking and enjoy xo


~~~Grace's P.O.V~~~

I wake up Tuesday morning to my alarm screaming at me. I groan and haul myself out of bed. I get dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, sliding on my black converse.

I text Mikey, and he says that he'll pick me up. I'm not studying with Julian this morning, so I head downstairs to have breakfast with my family.

My mom is making pancakes, she must have the day off. I grab a few chocolate chip ones and I'm about to take my first bite when, "Grace will you go get Liam dressed?" My stepdad asks.

I grin at Liam, and we race upstairs. Everything is a competition with us.I let him win, and I examine his wardrobe.

I'm wearing a shirt from our favorite restaurant on the other side of town. We got matching ones the last time I visited, so I put it on him. I pull out his converse and he wiggles them on.

"Look Liam, we match!" He giggles and pulls me back downstairs to show Mom. Harry and her say we look so cute, and Mom pulls out her phone. I toss her mine too and she snaps a picture of us, me on my knees next to him.

I take my phone and click on the picture. We look adorable, smiling cheesy smiles. I post it to Instagram, and it's getting tons of likes. I keep forgetting about all of Mikey's fans.

There's some negative comments of course, but I ignore them and finish my pancakes.

Food is more important than drama.

My phone dings and I grab my bag. "See you later guys!" I yell and head out the door.

"Good morning beautiful!" Mikey says as I climb in. I kiss him and say, "It's a good morning now!" He smiles and pulls out of the driveway. I fiddle with the radio when Mikey's phone lights up. He glances at it then shoves it in his pocket. I frown, "Is everything alright?"

He stops at the light and nods. "I'm fine. Nothing's wrong." He contines to drive, but I'm not sure I believe him.

What is he hiding?

~~~Mikey's P.O.V~~~

I hate hiding things from Grace. The truth is, today I'm asking her to Homecoming on a scavenger hunt.

Miranda keeps texting me, to make sure that everything is perfect. She'll distract Grace after school while I set up the clues around town. When she sees my phone light up, she's suspicious.

I want to tell her that it's just Miranda, but then she might realize what's going on. Why else would I be texting her bestfriend?

The day passes by quickly, but not without Amy sneering at us. Miranda invites Grace to go get frozen yogurt with her, and she accepts, mostly because I'm "busy" afterschool. I am busy, just not in the way she thinks.

Once the bell rings, I rush out of school. I glance in the trunk where all of the clues are. She'll love this.

~~~Grace's P.O.V~~~

Miranda drives over to the nearest froyo place, and parks next to a massive black jeep. We walk inside and look at the menu. Hmm, should I get a small or large?

Miranda glances at me and points to a certain type. "Chocolate Supreme" it says, and too much chocolate to list.

We fist bump and both order a medium. I find a table outside and we sit down.

She tells me all about Eric, and how apparently he's going to ask her out. "Miranda! That's so great! You guys are totally adorable!" She blushes but doesn't deny it. Ah, young love.

About 20 minutes later, we finish and toss our cups. "I have to go to the bathroom, be right back." I tell her and she nods. I see her take out her phone and start tapping away. Must be Eric.

I'm washing my hands when a girl about my age comes out of one of the stalls. She smiles and starts to fix her hair. I smile back and dry off my hands.

As I'm leaving, I hear her talk to someone else in the stall. "Oh my god, was that Mikey Murphy's girlfriend? She's so not as pretty as I thought."

That's my cue to leave.

Miranda drops me off at home, and pulls out of the driveway. I turn and see a bright green poster on my door.

What's going on?

I walk closer and realize this must be my homecoming invitation. "Grace, to find your date, you'll have clues! The first one is below, the rest are up to you!"

I smile and pick up the blue envelope with a big 1 on it. Inside is a note, "I see you found my sign, aren't you clever? Where and how we met, the weirdest way ever!"

Where and how we met? He must mean the park! I run inside and grab my keys, pulling the sign off the door.

. . .

I pull up to the park a few minutes later and walk down to where Mikey and I met. Against a tree, a skateboard is propped.

I flip it over, it's a gorgeous board, with purple graffiti all over it. There's another blue envelope taped to the bottom. I open it up.

"A gift from me to you, of course it's yours. Now head to the place where our first kiss soared."

Our first kiss, in the stadium! I tuck the board under my arm and head back to my car. He's the best boyfriend ever.

. . .

I pull up the stadium, where the parking lot is empty.

I walk up to the gate, locked.

I spot a small stickie note by the ticket booth.

"Locked hmm? Since when has that ever stopped you?" I smile, he must want me to jump it. I scale the wall easily, they really shouldn't put tables near it.

I make my way through the bleachers, up to where we sat. Taped to the seat is another envelope marked 3. "Well done, my girl, I see you must like me. Now turn around, will you go to Homecoming with Mike-y?"

I spin around and see Mikey at the bottom of the bleachers with flowers.I grab the envelope and run into his arms, and he laughs.

"Is that a yes?" I laugh and kiss him, "Does that answer your question?" He smiles and grabs my hand. Why bother with an average guy, when you can have one that hops fences with you?


A/N: Hey everybody! This story is nearly complete!!! I can't believe that I only joined a month ago! I love you guys and see you in my final chapter! Plus an epilogue! ;) Love you peeps xo

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