~Chapter 15~

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A/N: Hey guys! Just out of curiosity, when did you discover Mikey's channel? I found him around 70,000. Now he's over 200,000! So proud! Anyway, enjoy xo


~~~Grace's P.O.V~~~

Holy shit. What the hell have I gotten myself into? That must be the number one seed that I have to fight first.


Judy gives me advice, she tells me the best way to win against that girl, who apparently is named Tatiana.

"She always plays around with her opponents, to see their weaknesses. I want you to act like you never attack first, then when you see the coach give her the signal, come out fighting. Got it?"

I nod and jump up and down to keep warm. There's one more match before mine. The girls fight until one eventually gets knocked out.

I've fought before, but those we're untrained guys, whilst these girls are deadly.

Judy calls my name. I walk into the ring, trying to remember everything she told me. Arms higher, pretend to be weak.

The whistle blows.

Oh god.

Judy is right. Tatiana throws a few weak punches. I return them, but only in defense. I drop my hands a little to make me seem less experienced.

Tatiana notices and must realize that I'm a newbie. She tries a little harder, but I manage to dodge her punches.

The whistle blows again. I head to my corner where Judy gives me water. She's watching Tatiana's coach. He does the signal, and Tatiana nods.

Here we go. I walk back to the center, and the ref blows the whistle. I channel every bit of anger in my body towards this girl.

I think about Amy, my parents, the girls in juvie, and anyone who has ever made mad.

I duck as she punches, and kick her hard in the side. She winces a little and gets back into her stance.

She realizes that I was just pretending. Her eyes narrow. She throws more punches and I manage to dodge most of them, taking one hard one to the jaw.

The pain disorients me for a second.

The ref blows the whistle for another break. Judy tells me that I need to knock her unconscious, it's my best chance for placing.

I nod and head back in. Tatiana looks murderous. The whistle blows and we're back at it. She trips a little over her own feet, and I strike.

3 hard hits in the face and she's out.

The ref raises my hand and I'm smiling.

I did it, I really did it.

~~~Mikey's P.O.V~~~

Through the entire match, I'm squeezing Miranda's hand. "Ow!" She exclaims. Her hand is bright red. "Sorry! I'm just nervous." I apologize.

Grace fights with so much anger, I'd be afraid if it was turned on me. I cover my eyes every time she gets hit, but after water, she fights like her life depends on it.

She knocks out the best girl in her bracket! Jesus, I should stop underestimating her.

The rest of the tournament is fairly boring, since the Tatiana girl was the only good one. Grace fights the rest of the girls in her bracket and beats all of them.

Woah. My girl is a badass.

~~~Grace's P.O.V~~~

After my first match, Judy takes me to a practice gym. "You're not allowed to talk to anyone until the tournament is over, ok? You'll lose focus, trust me."

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