~Chapter 21~

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A/N: Final Chapter!!!!! I can't believe this thing is almost over! My netflix is having a spasm, so I've decided to write. I've been putting off this chapter, I don't want it to end! But all good things must, so enjoy xo


~~~Grace's P.O.V~~~

Today's the day. Homecoming has finally arrived.

Miranda has been texting me non-stop all day. She's been sending me pictures of makeup and hair ideas, she's tried out at least 20. She's so indecisive.

I'm going to leave my hair down, it's too much work to do otherwise. As for makeup, a smokey eye will suffice.

But first, I need to shower. I smell like the syrup Liam spilled all over me this morning when a pancake war was declared.

Once I'm dried off, I slip into shorts and a button down. Mom told me that if I wear a button down, I won't mess up my hair. I don't really care, but whatever makes her happy.

I'm running me fingers through the tangles when someone knocks. Speak of the devil.

"Grace? Are you dressed?" I walk back into my room and open the door. My mom comes in, carrying various clips and bows. Oh god.

"I didn't know how you wanted to do your hair, so I brought a little of everything." I laugh, "I'm just going to leave it down I think." She gasps.

"Not happening missy. At least let me braid some bits." I laugh again and hug her. "Thank you Momma, but I've got it." She sighs and leaves, obviously disappointed. Sorry, I've never been the girly type.

My hair has been going back to natural, but I re-dyed it yesterday after school, and Mikey hasn't seen it yet, I hope he doesn't mind. I got rid of the blue, it's entirely black now. Like my soul.


I head back into the bathroom and look in the mirror. After messing with my hair a little bit, I start on my makeup.

I've been wearing it for years, and I consider myself quite the expert. Well, enough to know when you're wearing too much.

About 45 minutes later, I'm ready to put on my dress. I slip into it easily, when my phone rings. The caller ID says it's Dr. Tellud. Why is he calling?

"Hello?" I say cautiously. His voice comes responds clearly, "Hello Grace. How are you? I understand you haven't been kickboxing since the tournament a few weeks ago. I really think you should keep with it, not only for control, but you're pretty damn good."

I laugh, "Thanks Doc. But no, I'm quite happy with my life right now. And besides, Tatiana got beat by a rookie, no one takes her seriously anymore. I'm pretty satisfied with my one win," I glance at the clock next to me, "I need to go, nice talking to you."

He says goodbye, and I hang up the phone. My life has taken a 180 since juvie. I can't believe I'm finally happy.

~~~Mikey's P.O.V~~~

I'm in my car, heading over to the florist to get Grace's corsage. She told me she didn't want one, but I'm getting her one anyway. Yes, I'm that guy.

Her dress is black, but that's all she'll tell me. I'm dying to know what it looks like, but not even Miranda will tell. Ugh, girls.

The florist hands me a small box, and I open it. It's perfect, small and simple. She'll love it.

There's baby's breath, some black ribbon, and a white rose in the center. I thank her and head outside. I put it in the passenger's seat and put the keys in.

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