~Chapter 6~

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A/N: I ship Mace so much tbh. Oh hi! Thanks for reading beautiful! Leave me votes! Love ya xo


~~~Grace's P.O.V~~~

Lunch time, finally. I head to the library, per usual. Again, Amy stopps me.

"Ugh. You again. Can't you find someone else to bother loser?"she says in an annoyed tone. I'm never up for her shit, but today I'm especially pissed.

"Here's an idea Amy. Take your snotty attitude and shove it right up your-" I stop myself. "You know what. Never mind. You're not even worth it."

She snorts. "Smart move, since I can make your life a living hell. If you so much and try to date that guy Mikey, I'll ruin you."

Wait, what?

Since when does she have a thing for Mikey? "Um, okay, crazy." I shake my head and walk away. God that was weird.

~~~Mikey's P.O.V~~~

Time for lunch. I decide that I'll go to the library today and apologize to Grace. I head over there without any problem. I walk towards the back, I know she loves those comfy chairs big enough for two.

She's sitting in one reading with her headphones in. She sees me and closes her book. I sit on the coffee table in front of her and take out one of her headphones. She raises an eyebrow and sits up a little straighter.

"Grace, listen," I say, "I really didn't mean to act like that. I don't know what came over me. I felt like you were keeping secrets from me or something. I'm so sorry."
Her face immediately breaks into a smile. She jumps up and pulls me into a hug. "Finally, I don't know if that was a fight, but I hated it." she says. I laugh and agree.

We fall back into our usual talk and laughter.

She tells me about Amy and her weird threat. "Seriously? Mrs. Queen Bee has a thing for me?" We laugh. I'm so happy we're back to normal.

Grace suddenly stands up. "The first football game is this Friday!" I laugh at her sudden outburst. "Yeah, anything else Captain Obvious?" She laughs and jumps back in her chair.

"You should come over before the game. It's at 7 I think. We can hang out until then." she suggests.

I somehow manage to respond without breaking into a weird dance. "I'll ask my folks, but that sounds fun!"

She smiles and texts her mom to confirm. I do the same. Both her mom and mine say it's ok and she woops, then giggles when the librarian tells her to quiet down.

We check the time and head for drama. We laugh and joke around, just like before.

When Grace leaves for the bathroom during drama I notice Amy and her followers coming my way. Ugh.

"Heyyyy Mikey! What's up?" Queen says flirtatiously. Is she serious? "What's with the sudden attitude change? Wasn't it just a few days ago you were dissing my best friend?"

Amy looks a little pissed, but recovers quickly. "Water under the bridge! So, since the first football game is this Friday, I'm having a huge party after!"

She hands me a bright pink paper.

"You should, like, totally come!" I glance at the flyer and shake my head. "No thanks. I've got plans with Grace."

Now she looks really pissed. "I don't think you should hang out with her, she's bad news."

I laugh as Grace returns and take her seat beside me.

"What's so funny?" she asks. "Amy here thinks you're bad news, and I shouldn't hang out with you."

Grace becomes hysterical with laughter and wads up the flyer in my hand. She chucks it at the Queen's face and she barely dodges it.

Amy makes an offended noise and stomps away. Grace and I just laugh and continue on our acting assignment. Girls are so much drama. Heh, get it?

When the bell rings she skips out of class, dragging me along by the hand. Once we get outside, we stand there for a second, just enjoying the sun. It's warm and bright.

She grabs my hand, but doesn't drag me, as we walk to my car. I nearly jump in surprise. She laughs and tells me to turn around. The Queen and her worker bees are standing there, looking upset.

Grace was just doing it to make her jealous. I can't help but feel a little disappointed.

Grace drags me (how she's able to is beyond me) through the parking lot to my car. I unlock it, and she jumps in the passenger side.

"I guess you need a ride?" I say as I laugh.

She smiles.

"I was kind of hoping we would make up, so I told my mom not to pick me up." I laugh,"Sneaky move, Foster." She punches me in the arm and tells me to drive. I couldn't be happier to obey.

We pull up to Grace's house after her horrible directions and a few wrong turns. They went something like this:

"No, this way!
Wait, was that it?
I have NO idea where I'm going.
Why does everything look the same?"

I expect her to get out and go inside, but she turns to face me. "I've got an idea!" I groan sarcastically and say,"Oh no, here we go!"

She laughs and tells me that we should go skating in Amy's neighborhood.

"Bad idea, very bad idea. Didn't she threaten your life or something?" Grace doesn't back down and begs me.

I can't say no when she does the puppy eyes. She's too cute. I agree and tell her that I'll pick her up in 30 min, so I can grab my board and drop my stuff off.

She gives me a thumbs up as she runs inside. Why am I going skating around some snooty girl's neighborhood with someone I just met? No idea.
Maybe senior year isn't going to suck after all.

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