~Chapter 10~

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~~~Mikey's P.O.V~~~

Grace has been locked up for 6 days now. They haven't let me visit her either. It's driving me insane.

I probably shouldn't use that word, given the circumstances.

I didn't end up going to the football game, it wouldn't have been fun without her anyway. I think we won.

It's now Monday, and ever since the incident, no one talks to me. Not even Greg, Miranda and Drew.

I normally upload on Tuesdays, but I missed last weeks video, for obvious reasons. I tweeted an apology, and promised a video for tomorrow. And I have no idea what to do.

I think and think, until deciding that a serious video would be best. I'm just not up for acting like everything is normal.

"Hey guys, It's Mikey. And today, I'm decided to help out a friend. She's going through a really rough time right now. She's one of my best friends, and I had an idea. I want to send her nice messages."

"Send her tweets, as many as you want, saying that we all support her. I won't say what it's for, because that's her business. Her name is Grace, and her twitter will be in the description below. I love you guys, and I'll see you next week. Bye!"

I edit my video easily but I look upset, and almost don't put it up. But I do anyway. This is for her.

She's not alone.

~~~Grace's P.O.V~~~

6 days. So far at least. I'm in a women's only detention center. And boy, it's been fun.

I've already given two girls black eyes, and the rest are smart enough to leave me alone.

I'm not insane. I sent that letter to Amy to scare her off. I've trained my mind, in ways a therapist never can.

I meditate, something I always did when doing my time a few months ago. Deep breaths, in and out. I'm not allowed candles, fire and all, but I draw some and stick them on my table.

I'm in a room by myself, no doubt because everyone thinks I'm crazy.

"Foster. You have visitors." I jump up. I can't wait to see my family, Liam, and Mom, and maybe Mikey....

When I go into the "social room" I only see my mother. She smiles and hugs me. "Oh my baby. I missed you so much." She rubs my back and strokes my hair.

"Where's Liam and Harry?" My mom looks away. "Mom." She sighs,"Honey, I don't think it's a good idea to bring Liam here, he's so young. And Harry is watching him, since it's a teacher work day." I knew it. She's ashamed of me. Just like Dad.

"Okay. Maybe next time. What about Mikey? Is he coming soon?" She smiles a little. "He's been calling non-stop. Everyday after school, he calls and asks if he can come see you. I've been telling him to wait until tomorrow, just so you've both gotten used to everything. I didn't want him to get his hopes up and think you'd be out very soon, I know how these things can be."

Did she seriously just say that she's been telling Mikey that he can't see me? And she calls herself my mother?!

He's one of the most important people in my life right now, even if I've only known him for 2 or 3 weeks.

"I should go, I have a meeting in a few minutes. I'll tell Liam you said hi." She stands up and hugs me before leaving.

I sigh and notice the phones. We get 1 call every 3 days. I used my first one to call Mom. And as of today, I can call someone else. Mikey, I think as I smile.

I walk up to the receptionist.

"Excuse me ma'am? I'm allowed to call someone today, may I have my phone?"
She looks at the number on my jumpsuit and checks a file. She nods and hands me my phone.

Before I click his name, I notice my twitter is blowing up. Thousands of well-wishes flood my mentions and DM's. My eyes prickle with tears. It must've been Mikey.

I dial his number and wait. He picks up on the first ring.

"Grace? Oh my god! Are you okay? They wouldn't let me see you and I assumed they took your phone and I was so worried about you and-"

"Mikey." I say. "I'm okay. It's been a little rough, but I'm adjusting. I assumed you hated me since I'm apparently insane."

He immediately denies it, "I wouldn't care if you're completely bonkers, you're still my best friend. We've had our rough patches, but we're unstoppable! So when can I come and see you?" He asks.

"Tomorrow."I tell him. He tells me that he'll be there, and he can't wait. I smile and hang up, seeing that my 3 minutes has passed.

My officer escorts me back to my cell, and I can't help but break into a happy dance. He's coming to see me.

I won't be alone.

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