~Chapter 16~

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~~~Mikey's P.O.V~~~

My alarm wakes me up. Today is Monday, the first day back to school with Grace. I get dressed and leave to pick her up. I rub my eyes, exhausted from doing homework all night.

I pull into Grace's driveway a few minutes later, texting her to walk outside. She opens the door and hops inside. She kisses me on the cheek and I smile. I could get used to this.

We pull into school, and Grace sighs. "It's good to be back." She says, and I laugh. "Why would you want to come back here? It's possibly the worst place on earth." She raises an eyebrow, "Is that so Professor Murphy?" We laugh and get out of the car.

She grabs my hand and we walk inside. She steers me towards the library, saying she wants to see the rest of the gang. But of course, it wouldn't be school without running into Queen Bee.

"Well look who's back. Inmate." Amy says. I glance at Grace through the corner of my eye. She's smiling. "Nice to see you too Amy." She kisses my cheek, and pulls me into the library. I guess her anger isn't as bad anymore.

We head back to her favorite room with the big window. I sit in one of the big chairs and pull her into my lap. She giggles and folds herself into my chest, where she fits perfectly.

"Hey Mikey?" She says. "Hmm?" I respond. She sits up to face me. "I'm glad we met. Well, collided. I haven't been this happy in, well, ever." She looks at me. "Seriously, Mikey. I'm-"

I shut her up with a kiss.

"I'm glad we met too. Now, we should get to class before Mrs. Holland has a fit." She smiles and pulls me out of the chair. We walk to class, her tucked under my arm.

~~~Grace's P.O.V~~~

We walk to class, making puns and goofing around. We take our seats and Mrs. Holland calls my name. "Grace? Welcome back! You can get your missed work after class." I nod and open my notebook.

No one talks to me or Mikey, even the meatheads are silent. I push up the sleeves of my sweater and get to work. It isn't going to do itself.

After class, I tell Mikey bye and head to my class. I get called at a little, but nothing major. Teenagers are idiots.

My chemistry teacher teacher hands me back a quiz I took a while ago. A 73 is circled in red pen is at the top. Oh, geez. This blows.

A boy next to me leans over, and I flip my paper. "You know," he tells me,"I'm pretty good at science. I could tutor you if you wanted!"

I'm wary, but what the hell. I put out my hand. "I could use all the help I can get. I'm Grace by the way." He shakes it. "I'm Julian. Here, take my number. Text me when you want to meet." I nod as the bell rings. I tuck the note in my pocket and head for History. Joy.

It's time for lunch, finally. I grab a sub from the cafeteria and head to the library. Mikey texted me earlier that he would be a few minutes late, something about finishing a test.

I put in my headphones and start eating. I'm not technically supposed to eat in here, but the librarian must've see my record, because she doesn't say anything.

Someone pulls out one of my headphones. "Hey stranger." A voice says. I turn to see Julian.

"Oh, hey. What's up?" He sits down across from me, in Mikey's chair.

"Someone mentioned you ate lunch here, and I wanted to drop this off." He pulls my calculator out of his backpack. "Oh, thanks! These things are so expensive." I say. He smiles, "Of course. Well, I'll just head out, I've got some friends I'm meeting in a few minutes."

He gets up to leave, just as Mikey comes in. They bump into each other and Mikey's book drops. Julian apologizes, "Sorry man. My bad, I didn't see you there."

He picks up the book and hands it to Mikey. Julian opens the door, then looks back. "See you later Grace!" I wave back and pause my music.

Mikey sighs and flops in the chair Julian was previously occupating. "What's wrong?" I ask. Julian couldn't have made him this annoyed. Or could he?

"Super long bio test. But, it's okay now that I get to spend the rest of the day with my beautiful girlfriend." He says with a smile.

I blush, and lean across to kiss him. He tastes sweet, probably because of the Reese's cup he was eating on the way in here. He spreads out in his chair and I scoot in next to him.

He puts his arm around me, and I put one of my headphones in his ear, and we listen to my favorite alternative station.

I tell him about Julian's offer to tutor me in Chem, and he looks confused. "Why didn't you just ask me? I took Chem last year, I could tutor you!"

I shake my head and smile. "We'd get absolutely nothing done. Especially when you need to film a video for tomorrow Mr. Procrastinator!"

He laughs a little. "True, but I had an idea. I want to do a video with you, I want to introduce you to my viewers."

My mouth drops open in shock and I blink a few times. "Are you sure? I don't want anyone to freak out." He smiles. "Of course I'm sure. They'll find out eventually won't they?"

I shrug but I'm smiling. "I guess. Okay, your house after school?"

He nods and cuddles me closer. "I can't wait."

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