~Chapter 18~

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A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for 900 reads! Almost at 1k!!!!! I'll make all of my stories with these things so you can find them ----> ••••• This fanfic is getting close to the end! *tear* I'll see you guys soon and I hope you enjoy xo


~~~Mikey's P.O.V~~~

It's been a week since Grace came over. Homecoming is next week, and I'm going to ask her soon, but I haven't decided how. I have a few ideas, but I'm still deciding.

Grace has been studying with that Julian guy almost everyday, since he's taking a lot of the same classes she is.

I'm not jealous anymore, he's not her type, not much of a risk-taker. As for YouTube, I've already filmed tomorrow's video, one talking about being a senior.

I get dressed and put my hair in a bandana, Grace's favorite hairstyle of mine. I texted her this morning, but she told me she was already at school, studying. She's trying really hard to get her GPA back up.

I drive to school and pull in. I text Luke, we haven't talked in a while. He saw my video last week and is stoked that I'm dating Grace. I really want them to meet. They'd be best friends.

I walk inside, passing Amy and her gang. They all send me glares as I pass by. I see the auditorium, and notice some kids inside.

I walk in and see kids practicing for a play. One guy and girl look like they're doing tango whilst speaking in another language. I smile.

These are my favorite kind of people, the ones not afraid to be weird.

One girl calls me over. Her name is Kiara, she's in my Spanish class. "Hey Mikey! What's up?" I shrug. "Nothing much, just remebering drama at my old school. I made a lot of friends there."

She smiles and pulls out two masks. "Wanna improv?" I laugh and grab the mask.

We spend the next few minutes acting, until the bell interupts us. "I'll see you later, Mikey!" She calls as she runs out the door. I yell a goodbye and head to math.

My girl is waiting.

~~~Grace's P.O.V~~~

I spent the morning studying with Julian. He's a suprisingly good teacher for someone who is usually so awkward around girls.

I walk to math alone, with my headphones in. I've been listening to Hozier lately, and I'm obssesed.

I walk into Math and take my seat in front of Mikey, and he leans forward and kisses my cheek. I smile and pull out my binder.

Ben is looking at me from the side. Not looking, staring. I scribble on a note and pass it to Ben.

He looks triumphant when I throw it on his desk, but his face quickly turns annoyed. Mikey taps my shoulder and raises an eyebrow. I pull out my phone, and text to him:

"My eyes are up here honey."

Mikey chuckles behind me and we get back to work.

We walk out of class hand in hand, when we pass that girl Hannah who asked Mikey to Homecoming a few weeks ago. "Hey Mikey! What's up?"

She sees me and her smile drops, but she recovers. Mikey smiles. "Hey Hannah. Just walking my girl to class."

He raises our clasped hands. She smiles and says something about us being cute together. We thank her and walk away. I kiss his cheek and head to class.

~~~Mikey's P.O.V~~~

The rest of the day goes by without incident. I drive Grace home then head over to the dentist office. I have an appointment in about 15 minutes. Gee thanks for the warning mom.

The dentist doesn't find anything interesting, he just cleans my teeth and sends me on my way. As I'm walking out, I hear a voice call my name.

"Oh my gosh! You're Mikey Murphy!" I turn and see a girl who looks about 12. "Can we take a picture?" She asks. I smile and nod.

She pulls out her phone and we take a selfie. She thanks me and gives me a big hug. I hug her back, and head out to my car. Just another day.


A/N: Hey people! Sorry, this chapter is mostly fluff. I wasn't really sure what to write, but here it is. I'm not too happy with it, but whatever. I'm almost at 1k!!! Thank you guys so much and see you soon xo

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