~Chapter 9~

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A/N: Hola! WattPad is being weird. I'll find a solution, since it's a bit confusing. Anyway, thanks for reading! I wonder what she's gonna do O.o
Deuces! xo


~~~Grace's P.O.V~~~

I didn't mean to get myself landed in juvie. I mean, when you tackle two guys to the ground and punch them until they bleed, people take precautions.

Why am I such an idiot? Now Mikey will know that this isn't my first time here.

So much for a new start.

~~~Mikey's P.O.V~~~

When Grace got slimed, it seemed like I was moving in slow-motion.

She tackled the nearest guy and knocked him out with one punch. The other guy put up more of a fight, but she made him bleed, bad.

How the hell did she just take on two football players? I can understand her breaking Amy's nose, but Amy weighs about 110 lbs, while these guys were 160, at least. And there was two of them.

A few minutes later, I find myself in Principal Borge's office. "Mr. Murphy."

I snap out of my haze. "Sorry Principal Borge, what did you say?" He sighs. "Is that all you saw? Anything else?" I shake my head and ask if I can leave.

"Not quite yet. Aren't you curious about Ms. Foster? Aren't you wondering how she was able to knock out two football players with no help?" I look at him, eyes wide, and nod.

"When Grace was 13, she was sent to a juvenile detention center. She had a history of violence and fights. She was held there for 3 years. When asked after 6 months if she was willing to go back to school, she refused. She lived in there willingly. Until of course, this summer."

"She was sent here, as an idea that a new start would help her adjust." He slides me a paper. "This was in that letter that she sent to Ms. Amy Kale. I think you should see it."

It wasn't the letter Grace told me about. It was a medical record. And one thing was circled in red pen.

"Certifiably insane, medication ineffective. Recommendation for immediate enrollment in asylum."


A/N: BUM BUM BUM!!!!!!! Sorry for the cliffhanger, but it makes it more interesting! I'll see you guys next chapter, assuming Grace gets out of juvie. Hehe xo (and ty for 115 reads!)

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