~Chapter 2~

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A/N: Hola! Ms. Author here! I would love some feedback, if you have a minute. I tried to make Grace not like every other girl (high-waisted shorts, crop tops, etc. Sorry if you like them, I just don't.) And don't worry, she'll meet Mikey soon ;) Okay, I'll stop talking. Enjoy xo



We've been moved into the new house for a few weeks now, and since my whole family wanted to explore the city and sight-see, I haven't had a day to myself in forever. But today my Mom doesn't have anything planned. Sweet.

I jump in the shower then get dressed and slip on some Vans. I grab some cereal, say hello to my family, then leave with my penny board. Ah, freedom.

. . .

The weird thing about Washington is that there are parks everywhere. And when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere.

I penny board down to one just around the corner from my house and relax. I goof around, pet a cute dog, which is honestly the best part of my day, and text my buddy Luke Korns. He's super bummed about me moving out here, we were going to spend the entire summer together. So much for that.

I noticed some girls walking up a path giggling and pointing at me. I sigh, assuming that they're fans of my YouTube videos. Most of the time they are. I love my subs, but a day to myself doesn't come too often. They walk over to me and start talking. And flirting.

"Hey, I don't recognize you. Are you new?" One asks in a nasally voice. She's fairly pretty, but her attitude ruins it completely. Wait, they don't know who I am? Score! My free day continues.

"Um, yeah. I'm Mikey, I moved here a few weeks ago. And if you don't mind, I need to get home." I say briskly.

She look a bit offended, as if this never happens. She must be the Queen Bee of these girls. I hop on my board, and ride away. That's what I came to do after all.

I put in my headphones and blast music. I just follow a path, not really paying attention. The park is pretty empty anyway. I look down at my phone when it beeps.

And that's when I crashed.


The next day after my arrival, after eating a horrendously messy breakfast with Liam, I start to unpack. I pull out old pictures, smiling at 5 year old me. Hey, I was a pretty cute kid.

A few boxes of clothes and junk later, I find my long board. I stroke it lovingly, tracing the blue swirls painted on it. I miss skating. I try to keep myself busy. I text a few of my old friends, scroll through my Instagram and Twitter feed, then look back at my board. I should really go for a ride, see some of the town.

I ask Mom, who insists on taking Liam and I to his favorite park, one of many around here.

I throw on some clothes and grab my board. We hop in the car, and Liam and I sing along to some stupid pop songs. I personally like Alternative stuff, but if Katy Perry keeps him happy, so be it. When we get out of the car, I skate off, leaving Mom and Liam by the playground. I'm too big anyways. Well physically. Mentally, I want to go swing and slide and run around. A last glance back at Liam shows me him climbing a ladder triumphantly, trying to impress a girl.

For the next few minutes, I take in the scenery. Washington is so beautiful. The trees are massive, I kinda want to live in one. They would be perfect for tree houses. I breathe in. The air is clear, crisp. It's not humid like in Georgia.

I really miss it. I'll miss the heat, the people, and oh god. The food is to die for. Fried food is so unhealthy, but so delicious.

I push away those thoughts and enjoy the ride. I put in my headphones (currently blasting Melanie Martinez) and skate faster. My adrenaline is pumping, I'm probably grinning like a maniac.

I'm about to turn a corner when-


"Ow," says a guy's voice. I touch my head where it hit the pavement. I'm not bleeding, but I'll probably get a nasty bruise. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" the voice asks. I look up, to see its owner.

Oh god.

The voice belongs to a guy, an extremely attractive one, if I do say myself. I recognize him as Mikey Murphy from YouTube. He's one of my favorite smaller YouTubers. Pretty sure this is a hallucination, but it's awesome nonetheless.

He's wearing big hipster glasses, skinny khakis, and a tee. I manage not to gasp or stutter when I say, " Yeah, I'm okay. Just a bump on my head." He offers his hand, and I take it. As I stand, I realizes he's taller than me, by an inch or two.

He looks at my head in concern. He says,"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going and I-" I stop him mid-sentence. "I'm okay, really. I'm Grace by the way. I just moved here. Yesterday, actually." I say as I put out my hand. He shakes it.

"Cool! I just moved here a few weeks ago. I'm Mikey. Nice to meet you." I smile. " I would prefer under different circumstances, but nice to meet you too." We both laugh and I hear some girl voices coming nearer. Mikey glances back, looking annoyed. "Hiding from someone?" I ask.

He sighs and says,"Some girls back there were talking to me earlier, they were just kind of rude." I look down at my feet, and grab my board. "C'mon, I have a plan."


"C'mon, I have a plan" Grace tells me. I'm confused, but I get on my board as well. She starts skating towards the direction of the girls. I shoot her a worried look, but she just smiles. I'm not quite sure why I'm skating around and listening to someone I just met, but something tells me it's right.

Once the girls are in sight, she hops off. I do too and carry my board under my arm. The girls spot Grace and I and immediately come up to us. "Mikey, I thought you had to go home." says the snotty one I talked to earlier. Grace looks at me, then turns to the girl.

"You're kind of annoying, maybe he just didn't want to talk to you, " she says boldly, putting a hand on her hip. My mouth drops open. Did she just say that? Damn. This girl has no filter.

The girl laughs and retorts," Yeah right, why wouldn't he? I'm way hotter than you. You're a fugly slut!" The girls laugh and point at Grace. 

I'm thinking about jumping in when Grace raises an eyebrow and laughs. The girl looks confused. So am I to be completely honest.

"Fugly means fat and ugly, right? Well," she lifts up her shirt enough to see her toned stomach,"I'm surely not fat. And Mikey would you say I'm ugly?" She bats her eyelashes and pouts a little.

I attempt to respond, but before I can say a word, she starts back up again. "And honey, being a slut would mean that I've slept with a bunch of people. And as I got here yesterday, I find that a little impossible. So please think before you open your mouth."

I stand there flabbergasted. And I'm not the only one. The girls look scared, except for the Queen Bee. She just looks mad. Grace seems happy, and I'm not about to get on her bad side. Grace turns to me and grins. "C'mon Mikey, let's get out of here." She says.

We turn around as the Queen calls Grace a bitch. I assume Grace will just ignore her and walk away, but before I could stop her, she socks the Queen in the face. The sound of fist against face makes me cringe a little.

 Grace just looks at her with disgust, "I wouldn't mess with me, because when I want, I can be a bitch." She turns and skates down a hill, towards a pond. 

Before I follow her, I see the the Queen holding her nose, blood dripping through her hand. Ouch.

. . .

After a little while, we walk up to the playground, where she flags down a woman I assume is her mom. She smiles and says,"Sorry about that. I'm not usually so hot-headed, but that girl needed to be taught a lesson. I get it if you think I'm a freak or something." I laugh,"You're not a freak, Grace. It was actually kind of awesome. There's only one thing I can say about what happened back there. That was unexpected."


A/N: Eh? Eh? Anyone notice the play on the title? No? Ok.
Thoughts? I would love some feedback if you have a chance :) love you peeps xo

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