~Chapter 7~

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~~~Grace's P.O.V~~~

The idea of skating around Amy's neighborhood isn't that crazy. Free will and all.

I throw on some different clothes, and a beanie for good measure. I look in the kitchen for a snack, hmm. Fruit, granola bars, wait, are those gummies? Hell yeah, dinosaur gummies for life.

I grab a few packs and throw them in my bag. I flick on the TV for a few minutes, uninterested.

Liam arrives from school a few minutes later screaming, "Grace got a boyfriend, Grace got a boyfriend!" at the top of his lungs. Great.

I shut the little twerp up with a chocolate bar from my secret stash (Mom is a health nut. Emphasis on the nut.)

He's a cute kid, no matter what anyone else says. He has the same green eyes as my mom and I, and I can see the sugar making their way into them. Yikes. Maybe that was a bad idea.

I head outside, my board under my arm and my knapsack on my back.

I get in Mikey's car, noticing that he changed too, and put his hair in a bandana. His board is in the back, so that's where I put mine. I quickly pull up Amy's flyer off of her Instagram account, @amyyykaleee (fake user).

Ugh, girls these days.

"387 Winchester Court" I inform Mikey, and type it into his phone. I pull out the gummies, and his face lights up. "Dude! I haven't had these in years!"

We act like children and throw them everywhere. Not to mention our failed attempts to catch them. Hey, don't judge. Gummies are for anyone who has teeth! I guess people with no teeth can eat them too. Oh sorry, ADD moment.

By the time we arrive in Amy's neighborhood, we're practically crying from laughter. Thank the lord for waterproof mascara.

"Great." Mikey says as we pull up. Her neighborhood has a huge black fence blocking the entrance.

Of course. What stuck-up princess wouldn't live in a gated community.

But I'm not about to pass up an opportunity to skate on some of the smoothest roads in town, plus the bonus of annoying the Queen. I tell Mikey to park the car at the smoothie place across the street and he does with an eyebrow raised.

We walk back over to the fence. He sounds amused. "I guess we're not going to buzz for Amy to let us in."

I laugh,"No way. My plan is a lot more fun." I hop the fence and signal Mikey to toss over my board. He does the same, both of us over in seconds.

"Wow. So much for burglar-proof." I say sarcastically. Mikey laughs and we start skating.

We follow the road until we find number 387. I open my backpack.

"What are you doing? Please tell me you aren't going to spray-paint her house with graffiti!"

I chuckle at his expression, "What kind of street rat do you think I am? If she insults my family, then she gets paint. For now, she only gets this." I say as I pull out an envelope that says "Amy" in pretty calligraphy. He raises an eyebrow.

I sigh, "I'll explain later. Quick, before she gets home!" I grab a piece of tape and tape the envelope to the door. Mikey still looks a little confused, but he goes with it.

And let me tell you, never have I skated so fast. Well, except when I met the person beside me.

~~~Mikey's P.O.V~~~

Grace taped an envelope to Amy's door, and I'm worried that whatever is inside could start trouble.

But she looked so beautiful in the car earlier, laughing and tossing gummies at me, that I kinda forgot to ask.

I wanted to ask her about us, but I can never tell if she's flirting with me. She's just got that personality that you can't quite crack.

We drive back to her house, singing along to Meghan Trainor and Ariana Grande. She pokes my nose, grabs her board and gets out.

"Wait, Grace! You never told me what was in the envelope!" I call out. She giggles, makes a face and says,"You'll see, Mr. Murphy, and it'll be hilarious!" I'm still curious, but I wave goodbye and pull out of her driveway.

What's in that envelope?

~~~Grace's P.O.V~~~

After Mikey drops me off, I run to the shower, sweaty from skating around.

I lounge around, finish a few school assignments, then open the door to my "Little Office" as my mom likes to call it. I've decorated it with a few pictures in frames. One with my mom, stepdad and brother, and a few of my friends.

I don't have one with Mikey yet. I'll have to take one at the football game on Friday.

Liam and Harry went to a birthday party or something, so Mom and I watch TV and order takeout.

And of course, being the snoop she is, she brings up Mikey. "He seems like a nice boy. I can't wait to meet him, officially." I roll my eyes and scoop out some more rice. "Mom, you're just nosy. Let me guess, you think I should date him?"

My mom smiles. "Well, with all the time you two spend together, and you both get along so well-" I interrupt her,
"Mom. I've know him for a week! I mean we officially met a few weeks ago, or should I say collided?"

But my mom doesn't give up(That's probably where I get it from). "Honey, you know, if you are such good friends with this boy, why not try and see if it works? What do you have to lose?"

I sigh. "A friend, Mom."

She gives me "the look." The one that could freeze hell? Yeah, that one. But she's also smiling.

"Grace Elizabeth! If you don't jump in, you might regret it. But don't go scaring the boy! I know how you get!"

We laugh and spend the rest of the evening watching sappy romances and eating through the pantry. I missed these days.

A/N: Hey everybody! I know the last bit was fluff, but I wanted this to feel more like life than a two second story, ya feel me?I wonder what's in the envelope! Read to find out xo

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