~Chapter 8~

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A/N: OMG GUYS! 100 views!! Ily and enjoy! Love, Ms. Author xo

~~~Mikey's P.O.V~~~

Today's tuesday, weird. Yesterday seemed so long. Probably because of all of the drama that happened.

I roll out of bed and get dressed in my usual attire. My hair is behaving today, so I leave it as is. I check my phone, no texts from Grace, but one from Luke.

We talk for a few minutes before I head out to my car. I pull out of the driveway, and turn on some music. Hopefully my life is going back to normal.

~~~Grace's P.O.V~~~

My alarm interrupts my dream. Ugh, it was a good dream too, I was exploring New York City.

I groan and get in the shower. I dry off and throw on some jeans and a flannel with the sleeves rolled up. It hasn't been super hot, mid 60's or 70's.

I run downstairs and make myself a poptart. What? They're the god of all breakfast foods.

I mess up Liam's hair and grab my backpack. My mom follows behind me and we drive over to school.

She waves as she pulls away. I look around, not seeing any of my friends. I head inside to the library, they're probably already here.

I find Miranda in a comfy chair, by herself. She looks up and smiles. "Where are Drew and Greg?" I ask.

She giggles and points to the back, where I see a couple making out.

"Oh my god! When did that happen?" Miranda laughs. "I have no idea, but she's had a thing for him since the end of last year! I ship it so much!"

We giggle and talk about how cute they are.

Drew is the romantic, but she can get angry quickly, especially when it comes to Amy. Greg is the really calm one, he's very level-headed.

Mikey comes in and sits in the chair next to me. I shoot Miranda a look that says,"Should we tell him?" She giggles and nods.

I give him a shh gesture and point to Drew and Greg. His mouth falls open. I nod and smile.

He checks the time a little while later, and we head over to Math. We start talking about the game on Friday, when one of Ben's goons walk up. This should be entertaining.

"Hey Grace, you coming to the game this Friday?" He's harmless enough, so I say,"Yeah, why?" He blushes a little, and says he was just wondering.

Mikey and I take our seats. "What was that about?" He asks. I shrug, "No sé José." I do take Spanish you know.

Math goes by quickly, given it's the second week of school and we have barely any work. Mikey waves and heads to his next class and I do the same. Normal is a good word for today.

~~~Mikey's P.O.V~~~

When lunch rolls around, I meet Grace. We head in the library. No sign of Queen Bee. Weird.

We sit in our usual comfy chairs, when Grace gets a look on her face. It's almost, guilty.

"What?" I ask. She sighs,"You know that letter? I may or may not have told Amy to kindly fuck off. I told her I'll date whoever I want."

How am I not surprised. She'd probably tell the president to fuck off if he got on her bad side.

"Seriously? You said that?" She shrugs again, "Amongst other things."

Damn, this girl is fearless.

After lunch, we head over to drama. Amy appears with her minions. Ugh, they're so tiring.

"What do you want?" Grace says sarcastically. Amy shoots her a look. "Mikey, I just wanted to tell you that the football guys are planning a prank, they're going to dump slime on you!"

What the hell is she talking about?

"Fuck off Amy. I know you're planning something. Might as well just tell me, or do I have to break your nose again?" Grace practically spits.

Amy looks absolutely terrified.

That's a change.

"I'm serious, they're going to dump it on you when you leave out that door!" She points to the drama exit, the side door Grace and I usually use.

"Bullshit, Amy. Just scurry along, I don't like threats." Grace hisses. Amy looks scared, really scared.

Is there something I'm missing?

~~~Grace's P.O.V~~~

When the bell rings, I pack up my stuff and head for the door. Mikey catches my arm.

"Are you sure? What about what Amy said?" I scoff. "She was lying. Either way, we'll see. Since you usually go out first, I will! C'mon, don't be scared!"

He looks uneasy, but follows me anyway. I open the door. No sign of any football players. Of course.

"Told ya!" I say without looking back.
And that's when I got slimed.

~~~Mikey's P.O.V~~~

Oh shit.
This won't end well.

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