~Chapter 13~

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A/N: What's up my readers? Ms. Author here. 248 views omg. Chapter 13 already?! Isn't number 13 unlucky? Ooooo we'll see xo


~~~Grace's P.O.V~~~

Today is Friday.

Tomorrow is the competition.

Oh god.

~~~Mikey's P.O.V~~~

Today is Friday.

I'll finally get to spend some time with Grace, she's been training non-stop. I'm a little worried.

I walk into school with my headphones in.No one talks to me, but a small girl comes up. "You're Mikey Murphy right? Aren't you friends with that criminal girl?" She asks in a snotty tone.

My vision turns red. I'm about to- hell I don't even know what I'm about to do. A hand pulls me away. It's Miranda.

"Hey famous. Do you think hurting someone will make it better? Cuz it won't."

I sigh. She's right. She walks me to the library, and sits me in a chair. Grace's chair. I quickly move to the one next to it.

"Mikey. If you want Grace to come back to school, you can't go around slapping irrelevant freshman. C'mon. Grace is one of my best friends, I wouldn't let anything happen to her boyfriend."

I blush and start to say,"We're not- I'm not-"She laughs. "Of course you deny it. You're into her Mikey. Aren'tyou?" I'm silent.

"I KNEW IT OH MY GOD!!!!" She yells. She starts doing some happy dance on the coffee table, when the librarian walks in.

Miranda jumps down and manages to pull out a book and pretend to read it. I'm trying not to burst out in laughter.

Once the librarian leaves, I ask Miranda a question that's been bothering me.

"Miranda, if you're Grace's best friend, why have you been ignoring me?" She smiles a little. "I haven't. I'm actually the one who's been sending you good vibes. And donuts!" My eyes widen.

"What? That was you? I thought it was one of my viewers! No way!" She laughs. "Duh. C'mon Mikey. You're not alone, not as long as you've got me. And your girlfriend."

I don't even try to deny it. Because for the first time in my life, I know exactly what I want. Even if she's a little rough around the edges.

~~~Grace's P.O.V~~~

I've been training all day. I'm pretty sure I have the same amount of power in my fists as a professional. I've always been tough, but now it's official.

It's 4:30. Time to shower, since I'll be with Mikey. Once clean, I walk to my closet to choose something to wear.

Nah, fuck that. I pull on some dark wash shorts. Hmm. When I see my favorite shirt, I grab it and pull it on.

It's a black t-shirt, that says,"I'd rather be on the internet." I grab the note and re-read it. I guess I'll need a sweatshirt. I grab my big white one that has Georgia written on it. What? I'm a southern girl at heart.

I walk down the stairs. My mom looks surprised to see me, probably because of the normal clothes. Liam is at some kid place with Harry.

"Want something to eat before you leave? There's leftovers in the fridge or some canned stuff in the pantry." My mom calls.I don't say anything and walk into the pantry.

I eventually decide on some ramen. Teriyaki flavor, my favorite. As I'm putting it on the stove, my mother leaves the room.

I hear her on the phone. "Hello? Dr. Tellud? Is it safe for Grace to use the stove? Or is it too dangerous?"

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