~Chapter 1~

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"Hello Ladies and Gentleman, we have just landed in Seattle, Washington. We will be unloading shortly, please remain in your seats with your seat belts fastened as we pull up. Thank you and have a great day!" Finally, I think to myself. Four and a half hours earlier, I had said goodbye to my Dad and a bunch of my friends.

My eyes start to water a little, thinking about leaving them for good, but I'm awoken out of my nostalgic thoughts by the kind Asian lady next to me. "We are allowed to get off now," she tells me. I nod and stand up. I can't wait to get off this stuffy airplane.

As soon as I can, I run off the plane to find my mom. I spot her immediately in a bright green peacoat. Of course, it's her favorite color. Mine, too.

I run into her arms, squeezing her tight. "I missed you so much Momma." I tell her through her coat, as I'm still hugging her. She laughs, and backs up so she can see me better. I spot my 8 year old brother behind her, excited.

"I can't believe you're here! Liam, aren't you glad your big sis is here, baby?" My baby brother grins, revealing a few missing teeth, and jumps into my arms. I catch him with a laugh, and say, "Nice to see you too, little man. Actually, you're not so little anymore!"

I pretend to groan and almost drop him, and he squeals with excitement. My mom and I laugh and we head to the exit.

. . .

About 30 minutes later, we pull up to my mom's grey Victorian style house. I've visited before, but I've always stayed in the guest room. Finally, I'll get to move into the renovated attic, my favorite part of the house.

You could call me Batman with the amount of time I've dreamed of living up there.

I pull out my two suitcases, while Liam straps himself into my backpack, which I used as my carry-on. He giggles as we open the front door, revealing an black pug. Her name is Lacey, and she's the cutest thing you'll ever see. She's wearing a yellow sundress, and her curly tail sticks out the back. I usually hate when people dress up their pets, but Lacey is too cute to disagree.

I see Stewart, my stepdad, in the kitchen cooking, and yell a greeting as Liam drags me through the house. I somehow manage to lug my suitcases up two flights of stairs when we reach my room.

It's absolutely gorgeous. The walls are painted dark blue, and on the far side is a window seat. My stepdad must have painted it a few days ago, making sure that it was move-in ready.

Liam pulls me through the door in the corner, revealing a small circular room, the top half of the turret attached to the house. It has a small desk attached the wall so if I were to sit, I could look out and see my street, and in the distance, a lake.

My peaceful thoughts are interrupted as my phone chimes. Liam attempts to grab it, but I get there first. Mom texted me that we're going to get some furniture for my room. I text back and ok, and change quickly, since I'm wearing sweats.

One pair of shorts, black high top converse, and a black t-shirt that says "Go Away" later, I meet my mom downstairs. She sees my outfit, and rolls her eyes and smiles.

"What?" I ask. "Nothing, your shirt just describes you perfectly." We giggle, and I run to the bathroom quickly to freshen up before my mom takes me on a horrible shopping spree.

I like shopping, but from the safety of my home and pj's. Online you know?

I run a brush through my long black locks. My eyes (which are the same shade of green as my mom's) look back at me, excited. I can't wait for this new life.

. . .

After 4 hours of shopping and arranging my room, I finish it. With white sheets for my bed and cushions for my window seat, I collapse in exhaustion.

Moving to a new city can do that to you. I glance at my phone, siting on the bedside table next to me. I press the home button, no texts. You would think that moving would make people want to ask how the new city is. Oh well.

After I have dinner (more like chaos) with my family, and then head for the shower. I'm so ready to wash my greasy hair, the dye in it does that sometimes.

Once I'm squeaky clean, I change into long plaid pajama bottoms and a tee. Jumping into my brand new bed, I realize sleep comes easier than I thought it would.


A/N: Don't judge too harshly yet, it gets better, I promise! There's some major plot twists later on ;) Her hair is black with blue highlights now btw. Thanks for reading xo

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