Like A Dream

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Y/n's P.O.V

Well , frankly speaking , I am shocked that Changkyun did not felt awkward talking to because I know what the others say . You might wonder how I know it ... Well , it's the same with every new student . 


New student entered today and , of course the student appointed next to me as the teacher always tried to get me to 'socialize more' . 

Me : H-Hi ... Y/n . 

New Student : Hi , I'm Hana . Nice to meet you .

Me : Nice to meet you too . 


I bought food for myself as always and was on my way back to class . As I was about to enter , I heard my classmates talking . 

Student 1 : Hana , I think you should quickly change your seat . You know , that Y/n kid is so not classy nor a lady even .

Hana : I don't think that's very unusual . 

Student 2 : The story didn't stop there . They also said that she actually don't have actual parents . They also said that she stole money so much . That's why she seems rich . 

Student 3 : Yeah , we don't want you to sit with a horrible person like her . She might be nice now. But you never know future . 

Student 4 : And I heard there's more to it ... 

I can't help but to get myself going away from that place . 

-End Of Flashback-

And each time we have a new student who is appointed to sit beside me , the story just always added . Well , some murders , stealing , and many more type of crime , because of my 'boy-ish' self . 

The truth is , they just never knew . I do have parents . They are just too ... Busy . Well , I've been raised this way , so I tend to learn to fight for myself and I don't really know why but I became less delicate than other girls . 

So , all of the rumors went wild saying I got my 'mysteriously' . Wow , so scaryy .. Duhhh . I don't even care . 

As I was just switching to different channels , I came across the news . That reveals a news that says something about the King and Queen of a country that lives inside this country , Ixovia . Well , my country has a lot of countries inside here too . I don't remember all of them as they keep changing but there are around 8 for now . Well , this is a VERY BIG country so , yeah .. 

I am always amazed by the King and Queen of Ixovia . They are legends ! They are very nice to others , even their maidens . What a pity for them though , they doesn't have an heir . Whatever . Who am I to think about it ? Duhh ... Not my business ! 

-The Next Day-

Yeah , another same day . Until I go to school . I step into my class and saw Changkyun who's already there . 

Changkyun : Hi , Y/n ! 

Me : Hi , Changkyun . *sits* What are you doing here so early ? 

Changkyun : School ? What else ? 

Me : Isn't it too early ? I mean , you're here before me , so ... Yeah ... Anyways , I'm gonna sleep . 

Changkyun : Okay , I'll tell you when the teacher came in . Be sure to wake up or I'm not gonna wake you up again .

I then smiled and drift away to dreamland . 

-Not Long After-

Changkyun : *slowly taps my shoulder* Y/n-ah ... The teacher is here . 

Me : *yawn* Aigoo ... *rubs eye**stretch* Thanks , bro  . \

Changkyun : Ain't pro-b-l-e-m . 

The boring class continues as usual . 


Me : Yah , I'm gonna go buy some food . Wanna come along ? 

Changkyun : Kinda hungry ,though . Well , can do . 

We then go to the cafe and came across Hyungwon . 

Me : Hyung , what's up ?

Hyungwon : Hey , Y/n and Changkyun ! 

Me : Where's Jooheon hyung ?

Hyungwon : Welp , you better ask your girl classmates . They're fangirling over him . So , I am the one who have to buy him food . 

Changkyun : Wow , wish him luck , then . *laugh*

We then just continued to our business . 

We then go back to class to see many types of food on Changkyun's table . 

Changkyun then entered and said ... 

Changkyun : Who put all these on my table ? Take it back . It's either you take it back or I'll throw it . 

Nam Ari : But they're all for you . 

Changkyun : I said what I said . Then I'll throw it away . 

I didn't expect him to be such a ... serious guy . You know , he just kinda scared me a little but whatever . 

I then go to my place . 

Me : Being tough , huh ? 

Changkyun : Nope , just being myself . I actually don't like it when they do this . It makes me uncomfortable . 

Me : I see ... 

We then eat our food and continue with class . 

-End Of School-

We actually decided to introduce Changkyun to the other hyungs today . Well , Jooheon hyung insisted , so ... yeah ... 

We then meet up and introduce them to each other and they seem to get along well .  

-Time Skip : Two weeks later-

Well , Changkyun is now a member of our squad and he is kinda serious in front of people . You know , he seems cold towards others but still polite . I can't really explain though . 

Today , school went like normally . Nothing happened as always . I got home , get changed and scroll through my phone and see what's up . As I was scrolling , I found a very shocking news . The King of Ixovia has passed away . He seems very healthy though ... 

What a pity ... I then continued my life with watching some Netflix . 

-Later That Evening-

My mom suddenly called . I took the call . 

Me : Hello ? Why ?

Mom : Y/n ? How are you doing ?

Me : D-Did you just ask me that ?

I can't help but to have tears in my eyes . Never , in my whole life , my mom have asked me that question . No matter how much I want attention as a kid , I was never given of it ... Not even a bit. 

Me : *hold tears* I-I'm doing okay . Why do you ask ?

Mom : Don't follow anyone no matter whatever they said , okay ?

Me : I'm 18 years old , no worries . 

Mom : T-Take care *hang up*

I have never been so touched that I cried . For the first time , in my life , my mom did it to me . I- this is very unexplainable . 

I then just get out and take a walk around the place . Feeling the night breeze . I actually was thinking about why my mom said that , but .. You know , anyways , I'm relieved . Maybe after this , who knows ? I'm not going to be called a murderer again ? 

I continued to walk and walk . Suddenly , there was a black van which stopped right beside me and there were men in suits coming out of it and take me away and not long after , my eyes turns dark ... I fell unconcious . 

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