Find You

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Y/n's P.O.V

There they go ... 



Girl 3 : This s*** should be punished . 

I just stand there . I'm just so done . I just let they do whatever the hell they wanted . Usually it's just some chocolate and strawberry milk , instant food , and some other beverages sold at the school small mart .

They were tough . I didn't see anything more than what I said coming ... 

Hye Su : Girls , you should never do something so miserable like her *crying* She's just a s*** . I usually won't say it but .. *sobs* 

Sang Mi : Yah , I can't take this anymore . This b**** deserves worse . Hand me the scissor . 

My school uniform along with the blazer is cut away ... My blazer was torn to pieces . 

Sang Mi : I'm still being generous I did not torn those shirt to pieces too . Don't make me do it . 

Hye Su : *crying  got worse*

Sang Mi : Or should I ?*School bell rang* That bell saved you , b**** . Let's go . Don't waste more time on this emotionless monster . She wouldn't be able to see you today . Her uniform is too 'unproper' . *laughs* 

My cool face did not fade a second . Fine . I am an emotionless monster . 

The coronation is messing with my mind enough ... Now , this ? Right , I have no emotions .. Don't cry Y/n . You're too cool for this . You don't have emotions . 

Changkyun's P.O.V

I didn't follow them because I thought it's not gonna take long .. Plus , Y/n is strong but now , she hasn't came back yet .. What happened ? The bell has rang . 

Hye Su and Sang Mi are back and all my other classmates have rushed to class ... But Y/n is not here . What happened to her ? Could it be what I'm thinking of ? Is Hye Su  capable of doing that? Y/n did told me that she is way worse than she looks but is she that bad ? 

The teacher is here and she's not here yet .. Something must have happened . 

Me : *Raises hand* Teacher , I am so sorry but this seems urgent .. May I ... Go-

Teacher : That does seems urgent , yes you may . Be fast . As you could .. So , continuing with our lesson . 

I ran to the girl's toilet . In the middle of my way there , Hye Su blocked me . 

Hye Su : Kyunnie babe ... Where are you going ?

Me : Toilet ?

Hye Su : Can't you just see the good in me ? Like , I'm surely better than h-

Me : Can you please step aside ? Or I'll report you for skipping class . 

Hye Su : But babe-

Me : Have a decent day . 

I just walked , leaving her there and I continued to search for Y/n . 

I am now standing right in front of the girl's toilet . It's going to be rude of I just enter .. She might be in there though ... Whatever .

Me : *knocks* Y-Y/n !! Are you in there ? Y/n !! 

I just heard a really slow voice . 

??? : Oh , damn .. 

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