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Changkyun's P.O.V

I quickly get up and go outside to see what's going on .

Y/n's P.O.V

I woke up , not knowing what time it is . I checked the time and it's not been long since I slept . It must be because their noises .. Aigoo , enough with my bad day , now I can't even sleep peacefully . 

Changkyun is not at his seat . He might've went to toilet . Suddenly , my mom called . 

Me : Hello , mom ?

Mom : Dear , what are you doing ? 

Me : Nothing .. I'm just sitting around . Why ?

Mom : Can we pick you up from school early today ?

Me : Why ?

Mom : We need to go choose your dress . You know , the ones when your measurements were taken .

Me : Wait , what ? 'Choose' ? I thought here would be just one dress since it's like , formal royal dress , isn't it ?

Mom : Well , the Queen prepared quite some dress for you , just in case you don't like the one we have now . I mean , she really just want you to be happy on that day , so , yeahh ... 

Me : Mom , I'll just wear whatever it is . Just , tell them to give me the usual one , and the rest ... Just save it for , another day ? Probably ? Who knows I'll need it later , right ?

Mom : Sure then . I'll tell them . Do you need anything else for your coronation , like , anything you want or something ?

Me : N-Nope , I guess ? Yea , I won't be staying there anyways . 

Mom : Just let us know if anything , okay ?

Me : Sure Mom . Thanks . 

Mom : My pleasure , dear . I gotta go now . Bye . 

Me : Byeee. 

Mom then hang up . I let out a long sigh ... Can I really be the Queen ? Man , seriously ? I am really not confident about this .. Why am I the Queen ? I mean , I'm not trying to be an ungrateful brat , but it's just uncomfortable knowing that I might not be a great Queen .. 

Can I do it as good as the late King does ? How am I gonna do it ? Can I still keep up with school then ? I don't know , I just have so many questions in my head right now .. God , just help me .. 

Okay , I'm going  to be the positive human I am and think that I could do it . You know , it might not be as hard as I thought . It could be better . Who knows , right ? Ughhhh!!! I just don't wanna think now . No , Y/n .. It's going to be alright . You know it . 

While I'm full of the thoughts , Changkyun is still nowhere to be seen . Is he alright ? Why isn't he back yet ? Probably a constipation ? Nahh , that guy is too healthy for it . Why am I even thinking about him ?

This is another problem .. I mean , why does he need to tell me that it's him that saved me the other day ? And he saved me again , and again and again ... But I still can't fall for him .. I mean , he is my friend .. How am I going to like my own friend ? It is CRAZY . 

Why does he need to be so nice ? Whatever .. Keep your cool , Y/n , cool . You're too cool for this world .. That's it .. Confidence , yasss !

Changkyun then returns .

Me : Yah , where did you go ?

Changkyun : Oh , you're awake ?

Me : Yepp , mom called me just now . I'm energized now , I guess .. 

Changkyun : Hey , I know you're not feeling good , so ... Wanna play mobile games ? 

Me : YES . Wait , I'll ask Jooheon hyung and Hyungwon hyung to join us . 

We then played a few games and of course , Im Changkyun , being the pro he is , we won . 

Soo Chul : Guyss !! It's time to go homee ! I then got back home . 

-At Home-  

I felt really tired of all the shit that happened today and I took a rest . 

-The Next Day- 

Well , I woke up kinda late because my dumb self cried last night and guess who would get a migraine after crying ? This guy . Ughhh !

I get to school as fast as I can and fortunately , the class haven't started yet . As I get to my table , I saw a HUGE pile of gifts on Changkyun's table . I mean , he always get gifts but this morning is , just twice as much . 

Me : H-Hey , Changkyun . How are you ? Why this huge pile ? Am I missing something ?

Changkyun : Well , i-it's nothing . This is just , annoying somehow . It's ju-

Sang Mi : Yah !! How could you call yourself a friend ? You don't even know his birthday . 

Hye Su : Umm , this is a homemade meal that I cooked . Special for you . Happy birthday . 

Hye Su left the food on Changkyun's table and Changkyun just let out a sigh .

Me : I-I'm sorry .. For not knowing it's your birthday . I mean , we've known each other quite well and I don't even know your birthday . I-

Changkyun : No . Just don't be sorry . I didn't tell you so it's not your fault anyways . We know each other not too long ago . I don't even care . You being my friend is already a gift . 

DUGEUN , DUGEUN , DUGEUN ... NOOOOOO !!! DON'T IM CHANGKYUN ! No , Y/n . Chill . Listen to him . He said 'friend' . FRIEND . In which part did you not understand . 

Me : W-Well , thanks . 

Changkyun : Let's share all this food together with the hyugs on recess . 

Me : Really ?

Changkyun : Of course !

Me : Yasss ! Free food !

We then continued with class . 

Author's Note : Hiiii !! I'm so sorry for posting this sooo late because my schedule has been so tight . Thank you so much for your patience ! I know it's waayy past Changkyun's birthday but I hope you'll forgive me ... Sorry for all the grammar mistakes and all the mis-spelled words . Thank you again for reading . Please vote any chapter you liked and you can leave any comment if you feel like it ! Hope you enjoyed this chapter ! Stay safe , happy and healthy , dear readers !!

The Royal Rebellion (I.M Monsta X ff)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora