Ride Or Die

42 2 0

Changkyun's P.O.V

Me : I don't want that thing here . I can't ... Mr. Jang . This thing ... Itself .. Seems like other's blood to me . My close cousins , all fought for this . Many innocent people died , just for this . How am I to let that thing in  here ?

Mr. Jang : But , Your Highness . I can't let this crown goes to the wrong person . Think of Clodovia. I can't imagine what would happen to the people if any one of them hold this . 

Me : Okay . Alright . Within a heavy heart I must take this crown , for my people . But please , keep this a secret . It's been long . Then , inform me every single detail every time . You know I'm just one call away . 

Mr. Jang : Yes , Your Highness . I'm sorry for the unannounced visit . 

Me : It's totally fine , Mr. Jang . 

Mr. Jang : Very well then . I must excuse myself , Your Highness . Please take care of yourself , Your Highness . 

Me : You too , Mr. Jang . 

Mr. Jang then bowed and left . 

Phew ! Yes , I am now , the King , Official King of Clodovia . I just hope I can do this . Please , oh lord . You can do this !! You know you can . 

Now , back to my student life ... What's my homework ?

Y/n's P.O.V

Mom : Dear , are you okay ? You seem , stiff today . 

Me : Y-Yes . I'm alright , mom . So , how's the ... Coronation thing going ?

Mom : Well , that's new . 

Dad : It's going well . And you need to change two times during it . 

Me : Dad , really ? Twice ? For one event ? That does not include changing into my uniforms and my comfy clothes . That equals to five times . Like , who do that ?

Mom and Dad : Princesses . 

Me : I should remind myself why you're both married more often . 

We all then laughed . 

Thinking about how I have to wear the school uniform and then a dress and then a hanbok then back to my comfy clothes . Oh , did I mention the comfy clothes after school ? Man , I am so done. 

-The Next Day-

I went to school as usual and yes , I do feel nervous . Why ? Because my coronation is like , TOMORROW . It's even weird for , me , the monstrous Song Y/n to have a 'coronation' like , mannnn she does not suit that . 

I sat at my place and let a long sigh . 

Changkyun : Heyyy ! How are you doing ? Why the long sigh ?

Me : Fine ? I guess . What made you sound so lively in the morning ?

Changkyun : You .*smile and blinks* 

DUGEUN DUGEUN ... No ! Wake up , Y/n !

Me : M-Me ? How ? 

Changkyun : You're my pretended girlfriend , remember ?

Me : So ?

Changkyun : Hye Su and Sang Mi won't bother me again . 

Right then , I saw both of them coming towards us . 

Me : Oh , man how wrong are you . They're here . 

Changkyun : Y/n-ah~ Can you help your friend ? *puppy dog eyes* 

Me : Fine . I'll help . 

Changkyun : Yeay !

Then of course Kang Sang Mi attacks us . Like , really attacks . 

Sang Mi : Y/n ! Let me have some words with you *rolls eyes*

Me : Why should I ?

Hye Su : Can't you leave for a while ? *glares 'politely'*

Me : I-

Changkyun : May I know why ? I mean , I want to spend some time with my girlfriend though . 

Sang Mi : Are you sure ? With this B**** ? She is gonna play with you , take your money , like she did to her parents then , you're done . Plus , why are you even attracted to this monster ? 

Hye Su : Sang Mi has some point . I am telling this out of concern , Kyunnie babe . 

Kyunnie babe ? Eww .. I mean , that's kinda ... Far away . Like , to call him that . It's like . NO . I mean , no . Just a flat no . 

Changkyun : Hey , that's rude of you . To say someone's girl a 'monster' .


The whole class then looked at us . 

Sang Mi : Prove it . That you want the relationship wholeheartedly and not threatened by this ugly , monstrous b**** . 

God , what are we going to do  ? I mean , it's all an act . I don't know that they would go THIS far to make it happen . I mean , just go away please ! Give up .

Sang Mi : Say that you like a b**** more than the GODDESS . I want to hear it . I'm sure you are threatened . 

I REALLY WANT TO CURSE RIGHT NOW . But I'm just trying to keep my cool then not trying to freak out 'cause I don't know what the hell on earth to do .

Changkyun suddenly stood up with 'CONFIDENCE' written all over his face . He pulled my hand to stand up and there I am , confused of what he's trying to do but still with my cool face . 

Changkyun : I , Im Changkyun is telling everyone that my girlfriend is the goddess . 

He's choosing Hye Su . Expected . Pretty much . 


Changkyun : I said goddess . Not 'your' goddess . 'My' goddess . Song Y/n . 

This man sure knows how to flirt thooooo .. 

Sang Mi : But she is a MONSTER 

Changkyun : So what ? Monster isn't bad . Right , Yugyeom ? *sang She's A Monster* Right ? It's a love song . So must it be a monster or a goddess what matters is that she is Song Y/n . 

Everyone was so shocked . Just imagine how shocking it is for others . If you can , imagine being myself . I AM SO SHOCKED TOO . I AM SO GRATEFUL THAT I AM USED TO KEEP MY COOL BUT IT'S JUST TOO SHOCKING . LIKE , WHAT ? 

Me : H-Hi ? *smile awkwardly* 

Hye Su : S-Song Y/n ?! How dare you ! *pulls me away* 

And I was dragged to the toilet and of course , she brought a force of people who hates me and the ones who have a crush on Changkyun . Yes , all of them are girls and ... Everyone knows I don't beat up girls . 

Hye Su : YOU BI*** S*** USELESS F****** B**** !! 

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