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Changkyun's P.O.V

As I was in class , Shownu hyung texted me .

Shownu : Changkyun-ah . Later on when you're going back home , can you bring Y/n's stuff along?

Me : Sure , hyung . How is she right now ?

Shownu : She seems lively again now that she's home . We're here with her so don't worry . 

Me : Okayyy . Thanks hyung . 

I felt really sorry but this is the least I could do . Great , Im Changkyun ... Now , how would you expect her to keep going to be friends with you ? Would she just avoid me ? Or she would be mad? Well , she have all the right to be anyways ... 

-School Ended- 

I packed my things and take Y/n's stuff along with me . 

Hye Su : Hey , Kyunnie . Wanna-

Me : Sorry Hye Su . I'm kinda busy . Bye . 

I then just sassed my way through her and Sang Mi . SHE IS SUCH A BAD HUMAN AND SHE EXPECTED ME TO BE NICE ? NO , GIRL . NOPE . 

I took her things home and after I freshen up , I go to Y/n's house . 

Me : A-A-Annyeong ? I'm here . 

Jooheon and Hyungwon hyung is already inside . 

Minhyuk : Oh , Changkyun . Come in . 

I then entered and look for Y/n . I slowly approached her . 

Me : Y-Y/n-ah ... I'm so sorry I don't know that it would turn out like this . She is a very bad human and I should know how she is the worst and pulled you back . I'm so so so sorry .. Please forgive me . Don't hate me pleaseeee .

Y/n : *laughs* Yah , what's with you ? I'm okay and it's totally fine . Just , forget whatever happened . I don't hate you and there's no need to apologize because you're not the one to blame . 

Me : Really ? You're not mad ?

Y/n : Nope . Now , let's go and have something to eat together . Kihyun and Wonho cooked today. Can't miss on that one . 

We then go to the dining table and eat together . 

Y/n's P.O.V

It feels so nice having all of us together . You know , it just felt like a family gathering . I almost forget about the coronation stuff . Like , I do want to forget about it but it just won't get out . 


Well , the hyungs and Changkyun all have things to do and my parents are now back . I can't really say what I'm feeling right now ... I'm worried ? Scared ? Ugh , I just don't know ! This is all too sudden ! 

Will I do good tomorrow ? What do I do ? What if I stutter a lot ? I can't avoid all these questions in my head . I guess , I'll just , try to keep my cool and see ... Yeah , Y/n . You're good at this , aren't you ? Sure ... 

-The Next Day- 

Well , obviously I slept kinda late last because I was playing some games and it kinda goes on and , I think I should stop here . So , today is D-DAY ! Shoot , now I'm more nervous . 

I'll be excused early from school today for the preparation and of course , the five-times clothe changing will be exhausting . Oh , lord please save me today .. I'm just a mere , suddenly-crowned 18 year old Queen ... 

I got downstairs and have breakfast before going to school and then to my seat . I sat there looking cool . As always , I mean , I'm Song Y/n . Come on . All of this , is NOTHING ! 

Okay I lied . I'm anxious as hell . Suddenly , Hye Su and Sang Mi coming towards me . Oh , god I'm already dead anxious as it is . Now , them . Ugh ! Like , do they know that what they're doing can be an act of treason in less than 24 hours ?! 

Hye Su : Have you learned your lesson ? Well , you ARE pathetic . 

Sang Mi : Yes . Stealing what's others is illegal . Don't you know that ? You made the fragile heart of Han Hye Su break ! *scoffs* Who do you think you are ?

Me : Hey , just so you know , I don't care about that . Plus , when is Changkyun 'hers' ? Oh , and if I'm not mistaken , I myself , is Song Y/n . 

Sang Mi : Omo omo , this brazen b**** !

Me : Wae ? Wanna cry and put the fault on me ? Do it ! It has been happening since primary school days anyways . So please , go on . 

Hye Su : Yah ... You- *cries to everyone* 

I told you so . She'll just do that . Not much impact on me . 

Changkyun then arrived and took a seat . 

Changkyun : Hi , girlfriend ! 

Me : *laugh* Wtf ? Don't be silly . 

Then we continued with class . 


Me : Byeee ! 

Changkyun : School's not over . Why are you saying a goodbye to me ?

Me : Well , I told you yesterday . I'm leaving early today . For , some stuff . Dad insisted , so bummer ... Byeee !

Changkyun : Okay then , take care . Byee . 

I then left ... Here we go . 

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