Like A Dream Pt.2

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A/N : Hey there ! Just wanna say thank you for reading and don't be shy to ask any question regarding the story in the comments . Sorry for any mishaps made in this story ! Thank you again!! :) Hope you would enjoy it ! Moving on , right away !


Y/n's P.O.V 

I slowly opened my eyes , feeling an extreme headache at the back of my head , trying to regain my consciousness as my brain trying to work hard on remembering what happened . 

Why am I here ? Where am I ? I am tied to a chair and were left at a place that seems to be an abandoned building . I tried moving my body as I looked around the abandoned building . There were no people there . 

My head still hurt like crazy and I honestly can't even see properly . 

Disclaimer : This part may contain violence . Please be aware . Thank you ! :) 

Suddenly , I heard some footsteps coming from my back . I can't see their faces clearly but I am so sure that they are all men , wearing suits . There are around 4 people . I am terrified . I don't know what to do . What do they want ? Am I being held hostage ? Or they are those weird psychopaths ? My brain can't stop giving negative suggestions of situation . 

Man 1 : So this is her ? 

Man 2 : Seems so ... Hey , girl ! 

I cannot show my fear . I have to be brave , even though I can't report them .. Or I might never even get out of here ....

Me : Yes . 

Man 1 : This girl is so brazen . Do you always walk around alone at night like that ?

Me : Why would it concern you ?

Man 1 : Wow ! Did you just answer me like that ?  

That man suddenly grab my hair roughly and throw my head back . I refrain my head from hitting the chair . And for that , my head just become more and more dizzy . 

Man 1 : Well , this is one brazen girl , isn't she ? I'll be nice . Finish her , but not dead . 


I tried to bare all the pain and not ending my life . Now , I'm just laying down , not even able to move a muscle from the pain and I barely try to get out , even when I obviously know I can't . All that is left in me now is my instinct to defend myself . 

I can't take it anymore ... Someone ... Please ... Help ... 

Right then I heard someone coming into the building . It sounds like a boy . He sounds like he's alone . No , he can't come here or he'll be dead . 

??? : Yah !! What kind of human , to be specific , a man , beat woman , huh ?! Get away from her!

I used all the strength I had at the moment and say ...

Me : G--Go ... Away ... 

Then everything was dark . 


Is this afterlife ? Am I alive or not ? I'm too young to die now ! Noo !!! 

Wait ... I opened my eyes and looked around . 

Me : This is a ... Hospital ?

Then I got strucked with a really bad headache . I felt pain at some parts of my body . They really beat me to the point that I ALMOST give up ... Who the hell are they ? That was one terrifying experience . 

Suddenly , a question popped out in my head . What happened to the guy who saved me ? There's no way that he could get away without any scratch . But ... Honestly , the voice of the guy is kinda familiar . Nahhh , there's no way someone I know would have that cool of a voice tone . 

The voice of the guy was the only thing I remember ... Other than that ... I tried hard to recall whatever I saw on that guy ... *gasp* OH MY GOD ! I know why I could know that voice now ... 

That guy who saved me ...

Wears ... 

The exact ...

SAME ... 


This also mean ... THAT HE GOES TO THE SAME SCHOOL AS ME ! Who could it be ? Maybe he's not someone I'm close to .. No way . I don't think I know anyone close to me having that voice ... He could be someone from another class ... Or a sunbae ? Could be my junior too ... 

Ughh !! There's so many question coming across my mind right now . But is he safe ?

WAIT ! I know !! He must be the one who admitted me here . I'll ask the doctor . 

Not long after , the nurse and doctor came to see how I'm doing . 

Doctor : Y/n-ssi . How are you feeling ?

Me : I'm just okay . Just some minor headaches when I wake up . 

Doctor : Good , then . So , regarding your condition , you're one tough girl . You are hurt kinda bad but fortunately no internal injuries . You need to refrain from eating too much spicy food for now as it could affect your condition . 

Me : Great , thanks ! Oh , and I've been wanting to ask , but ... Can I know who is the person that admitted me here ? Or any information on the person ? 

Doctor : I'm so sorry but the admitter has made a special request to keep his information personal . 

Me : Oh , really ? Then ... Is he hurt somewhere too ? 

Doctor : No , not really . 

Me : Okay , thank you doctor ! When can I be discharged ?

Doctor : Tomorrow , if your condition is okay . 

Me : Thank you ! 

Doctor : Alright then . I'll have to excuse myself . *smile*

Me : *smile**bend*

That kinda hurt but I'm okay . So now ... What am I gonna do to find this mystery guy ? I can't just lay down here all day until tomorrow . 

I then started planning and thinking of how to find this Mr. Mysterious Savior ...

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