9. Don't Kiss and Tell

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A knock came upon the door, George and I had been--- fully clothed now--- laying on the bed. Ginny and Harry had then bursted into my room.

"Bella... and G...George?" called Ginny. "Well, um....we're going to.."

"Ginny, seriously what's gotten into you?" added Harry. "Um...We are all going to play a game downstairs."

"what kind of game..." replied George, slyly.

"Come down to find out." said Ginny, now rolling her eyes.

Right after Ginny and Harry left, I changed my clothes. I went to the dresser and grabbed some shorts and a tank top with an oversized jacket.

"Oh c'mon Bella why are you changing?" said George. "Hurry or we'll probably end up sitting next to Ron"

We both scurried out of the room and went downstairs to the living room. Everyone had already been sitting and talking. I sat between Ginny and Hermione. George ended up sitting next to Ron and Fred. He pulled Ron into a head lock and started to tussle with Ron's hair.

"George, LET ME GO!" said Ron.

"C'mon Ronald, I'm only trying to have fun." replied George.

"What game are we playing?" said Lavender.

"um I don't know. Angelina, you're the one who brought us down so...." added Ginny.

"I was thinking maybe Truth or Dare, or, Spin the bottle." said Angelina. "that is if we can find a bottle."

Seriously? Is she really implying I don't own a Bottle. Angelina stay in your line. I really don't want to play. These are such basic games. I knew what she was trying to do. She probably only wants to play to kiss Fred. Angelina this isn't first year. But the Truth is, I've never played spin the bottle.

"We have bottles in the cupboard." said Cedric. "I'll go grab one" A few moments later Cedric came back with a glass bottle and handed it to Angelina.

"So I'm guessing you all know the rules?" said Angelina. "Yes?"

No one replied. But I'm pretty sure everyone did. Angelina explained the game and she said she would start. The bottle spun around twice before landing on Lee. Lee had been sitting across from her and then he leaned forward, so did Angelina. They shared what looked like a dreadful kiss. She immediately pulled away and wiped her mouth. That didn't stop Lee from saying.

"Oh let's be serious Angelina. You know you liked it." said Lee, who had now been high-fiving Fred.

"Don't flatter yourself Lee. It wasn't enjoyable." flirted Angelina. "Luna, your next"

Luna didn't say anything she just spun the bottle. It went around a few times and then landed on Cedric. A faint blush came over Luna. She hesitated to kiss Cedric, but Cedric pulled her face towards him. His lips brushed gently on Luna's. Both went deeper and deeper into a kiss. Before Ron interrupted.

"Cedric has game." whispered Ron to George. Laughter broke out between the two. Luna pulled away from Cedric, she pulled her hair out of her face. I could see how nervous she had become, her cheeks beet red and her eyes glittering as she maintained eye contact with Cedric.

"I hope I get Cedric." whispered Ginny, in my ear. I giggled. Ginny reached for the bottle then began to spun like the rest did. It then landed on Ron. A disgusted face was brought upon Ginny as she immediately spun again this time landing on Harry. Ginny looked very nervous, almost worried. She went closer to Harry and brought him for a kiss.

"Ew, Careful now Harry that's still my sister." Ron said.

"Don't get too comfortable now Harry." joked George.

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