1. First Summer Night

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"Don't worry Bella, you'll be mine very soon" whispered Fred. As they looked deeply into each others eyes like no one else mattered. Butterflies filled my stomach as his last words echoed throughout the room. Heat arose to my cheeks making them slightly pinkish. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"oh fred -" I grinned.


"five more minutes please" I whispered in an angry tone. Did she seriously ruin my dream?! This had been the third summer I have spent at the Weasley's. And I had already forgotten how early they woke us up. I groaned and flipped over to my pillow lightly screaming. As I got up from my bed, a familiar face was staring at me in shock. It was Hermione, she had barely woken up. Just as furious as I was. She glared at Ginny --- a look that could kill --- then she proceeded to get up and walk towards Ginny.

"you coming or what?" laughed Ginny. "you best hurry." added another voice. I looked at both girls and rolled my eyes as I stood up and started walking toward the hall. As I approached the stairs, there was Harry sitting next to Ron.

"good morning girls" said both boys at once. Before we could greet them back Mrs.Weasley was asking for everyone to come join her for breakfast. The twins -- who were already seated-- looked just as tired as the rest of us. As everyone took their seats, I had been stuck with the seat next to Ron, across the table was Fred and George, and on the right of me was Ginny.

"Good Morning!" said Mrs. Weasley sweetly. "How's everyone's morning so far?" Silence filled the room as everyone seemed too bothered to talk or just too tired. "It seems to have been a rough morning for the children" said Mr. Weasley with a reassuring tone.

"My morning has been decent Mum, as for the rest I am not too sure" laughed Ron while grabbing a spoonful of eggs.

After breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley prepared to leave for their trip. They had planned their visit to Charlie who was working in Romania with Dragons. This was the first summer I spent without Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. I prayed this summer would be better than last year.

"Alright children, your father and I won't be gone for more than we expect." "I swear Fred and George if you pull anything crazy while I am gone--" Mrs. Weasley was cut off by her husband. "Just be safe, please. Send us letters if you need us. and, Don't break anything while we are out" groaned Mr. Weasley as he shook his head toward the twins. Then they disapparated to Romania

A loud laugh came from the twins and then from the rest of us. "I swear Fred and George if you pull anything crazy while I am gone." said George as he mocked his mother. "seriously thank the heavens they're gone." "It took them long enough. Am I right Fred?"

"Seriously." scoffed Fred.

We all ran to the couch and plopped our bodies next to each other in a rather tight manner. "Now what?" whispered Ginny to Harry. "What should we do?" "I mean we have ALL summer to ourselves and we don't even know what to do?"

A voice erupted from the corner.

"I've got it!!" "We can play the muggle game hide n seek." said Harry. Everyone knew how intense hide n seek was at the burrow. It would suck to be the seeker. It's always so hard to find anyone. I picked up my head and to my surprise, Fred was already glancing my way. The tension between us was as sharp as a knife. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach and my cheeks grew warmer by the second. Then, suddenly everyone grew quiet as they thought about where they would hide and how they would decide who was going to be it. Ginny immediately stood up and walked to the kitchen and pulled out a cup with quills in it.

Nights At the Burrow | Fred and George Weasley | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now