2. Just Between Us..

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"belllaaaa" repeated Ginny

"yes gin gin" I laughed "what happened?"

"I couldn't help but notice you and Fred." "Your tension could literally break some ice" she laughed.

"wait did you guys hide together?" a concerned face started to appear across her face.

"why? I mean yeah we did but we didn't plan on it" I said --very worried-- Thoughts filled my head with all the possible things she could know. I reassured myself she couldn't have possibly known a thing.

"oh? then never mind." she said.

Now I am worried. Fred and I had only one moment with each other and now it raises suspicion. Great. I need to calm my nerves. I got up and headed towards the kitchen. Opening the farthest cabinet and grabbed a glass cup to serve myself some water. As I poured the icy cold water into my cup. A familiar voice said "Bella".

It had been Ron. "Thirsty huh?" As the water rose to the top of the cup almost spilled. I hadn't realized I was still pouring the water. My eyes widened as I hoped the water didn't spill.

"So the group is trying to decide what movie to watch and you are the tie breaker" said Ron. "so do you want to watch 'Not Just a Summer Love' or the scary movie 'Come play'."

"hmmmm.. I kind of want to watch Come Play." I said.

"Ok 'Come Play' it is." grinned Ron.

I followed Ron back to the living room where the group was sitting. But Harry had stolen my seat and was now sitting next to Ginny, before Harry was sitting next to Ron and George. I glanced at Harry as I narrowed my eyes. He mouthed "sorry" with a remorseful expression. Better for me because I now had a better view of the movie.

Before the movie had started Errol had arrived with a letter and food, that Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had sent.

The letter read...

Dear Children,

I hope everyone is enjoying their time without us because it won't be too long until we come back. Please. I must emphasize the word please. Don't break anything, I mainly speak to Fred and George. Enjoy this meal I have sent. Please write us back, to tell us you're safe.

Love Mum and Dad.

Ginny and Ron who were starving grabbed the bag and started passing the food out. When everyone's food was situated, Hermione left and then immediately came back with blankets in hand. Me and George shared a blanket, but it was still a bit cold in the room. I laid my head on his shoulder as I felt his arms wrap around me.

The movie started shortly after we got our blankets. Fred who sat next to Ron couldn't stop glancing my way. Shooting dirty glances to his brother. George seemed unfazed and unbothered as it clearly set his twin off.

-----Fred's POV------

"Ron... Ronn.." I whispered.

"What do you want fred?" Ron replied. "I'm trying to watch the movie."

"switch seats with me." "I can't see.." I said, which was obviously just an excuse to sit next to Bella.

It enraged me that my own brother was cuddling with her. Out of all people George. The one person I told my feelings about Bella.

"bloody hell Fred." Ron said, starting to raise his whispers. "you bothered me to switch seats."

"yes now move. or I'll keep bothering you." I replied still whispering.

Ron quickly arose from his seat and then replaced where I had once sat. Bella turned her head and looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes.

I smirked and whispered "I couldn't see." giving her a wink. Her smile widened and then she turned her face back to the screen. George gave me a look and then moved his hands away from Bella. Now where George had once laid his hand were now replaced with mine. Then Bella moved from my grasp to move her head on my lap. Every now and then she would flinch as the movie progressed. I couldn't help but play with her hair.

Nights At the Burrow | Fred and George Weasley | Book 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora