Update 02/11/2021

3.1K 45 5

Chapter 14 is actually being written right now and should be up soon. I haven't been updating for various reasons. I've actually decided to reread all chapters, since I have come across many mistakes in my writing. So Chapter 14 may take longer than expected.

I also want to add that after Chapter 14, I will be posting weekly, every Friday, and I will also be creating longer chapters since each chapter only ranges from 2500 words.

A few other things I would like to say are, Thank you to everyone for reading my story. The last time I updated I hit 16k and now I've hit 22k. I cannot stress this enough on how grateful I am to have people actually reading my story. Writing this has been a great opportunity and overall a great way of learning new things. I just really want to take the time and say Thank you so very much! Also, another wave of thanks to the people who have been looking out for my story. I've gotten many messages about saving my story. I was unaware Wattpad was deleting stories. I have been sure to save these chapters under a file in my computer.

Stay safe 

- T 

Nights At the Burrow | Fred and George Weasley | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now