8. Café de Flore

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I had been really fed up now. I knew it would come down to this but still. They weren't even a thing. Plus she had a bad attitude towards just me. Seriously I hadn't done shit to that bitch. But if that's how she wanted to play then I'll bring my A game. 


"Guys." I called out. "I want you to meet some people." "Meet me and Cedric downstairs!"

As I walked down the stairs, I had been met with Cedric. We headed to the kitchen and met faces with 3 small house elves. ---Cherry, Wibby, and Dranny--- 

"Good evening Ms. Taliella." greeted Cherry. "It's so wonderful to have you back home dear."

"Hi Cherry, I've missed you all." I replied. 

"Oi! Now where is that sweet boy of yours?" said Dranny. 

"Right here Dranny." laughed Cedric. "I couldn't miss the chance to see you all again. So when Isabella invited me, I knew I couldn't say no." 

"Oh Dear, how long has it been since we've last seen you two?" asked Wibby. 

"Christmas." I answered. "Cedric when's the last time you came?" 

"Hmmm..I think it was before your parents left." he said. 

"Wait really?" I said. "Why didn't you tell me you came here?" 

"Mr. Taliella needed help with the portkey before they left." He replied. "I was here for around 7 minutes." 

"Oh.." I said. 

I could hear in the distance footsteps run down the stairs. Footsteps after footsteps running down to the kitchen. 

"Who did you want us to met Bella?" said Ron. 

"I wanted everyone to met Cherry, Wibby, and Dranny." I said, as I motioned to the small elves. 

"Isabella! so many friends!" said Cherry. "Hey children, I'm Cherry, to the left of me is Dranny and next to him is Wibby." 

"greetings kids." said Wibby and Dranny. 

"If there is anything you need, please don't hesitate to asks us for anything, We really don't mind." said Cherry. 

"Pleased to met you!" said Hermione. 

The rest of the group just waved and started a little bit of conversation with the elves. 

"Guys, do you reckon we do something?" said Harry.

"Yeah I was just going to ask you guys if you wanted to head to Café de Flore." replied Cedric. "It's one of the best cafés in Paris."

"Oi! I am starving. Right now couldn't be a better time to eat." said Ron. 

"yeah let's go" said Luna and Lavender. 

"sounds perfect!" called out the rest of the group. 


I had forgotten what if felt like to be home. I never had to do much for myself, never had to drive myself or even go out alone. It was always me and Cedric, and of course my bodyguard David. David was also my driver. He drove us all to the Café. It wasn't too far from my house. 

Once we made it to the café, chatter amongst the strangers in the cafe broke out. All I could hear was my name. Cedric showed the group to where we would sit. I went to go stand in line and along came Cedric. 

"I think I'm going to order everyone the same thing. They needed to try the Nutella crepes and French espresso." I said to Cedric. 

"sounds good to me." he replied. 

Nights At the Burrow | Fred and George Weasley | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now