7. 8:18 am

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-----FRED'S POV------

Hands. THEY WERE HOLDING HANDS. I knew writing that letter wasn't a mistake. I knew I made the right choice. Just wait Bella, just you wait. Her face had been speechless and I was living for it. She didn't know what she was getting into. Now I couldn't wait for Paris. Paris was really going to be a good trip.

I rolled my eyes at her and purposely gave her a dirty look. Bella's face had grown sad, her smile and glowing face, had turned sad and a dark shadow covered her face. Of course George had moved her from my view. Seriously whatever!! She was the one who got herself into this mess. I'm just a bystander. 

"just wait" I mumbled under my breath. I turned around and walked through the living room and headed upstairs. 

Just wait Bella!

-----END POV-----

(bella's pov) 

I had grown embarrassed. Fred had known. Well I think he did? He didn't really do anything. George had been standing in front of me to block me from Fred's view. That really saved me, I couldn't take more embarrassment. I moved through George and quickly went inside. 

"hey.." george said. 

"please just leave me alone right now George." I said. "I just need to be alone right now." So many thoughts occupied my head. I had to figure my shit out before I brought George into my mess. I marched straight to Ginny's room and slammed the door. Ginny and Hermione had been packing still. 

"umm?... you okay?" said Ginny. 

"y--eah.." I said. "It's just Fred makes me mad. you know!!??" 

"ha. yeah I know what you mean." laughed Ginny. 

"So what's going on?" asked Hermione. 

"It's a long story, like really long." I replied. 

"well we've got a lot of time." said Hermione. "c'mon tell us."

"erm--... basically..."


"and then he just stormed off. Like really? And of course George was scared. Seriously Fred isn't even scary. Now Fred's mad at me. For what though? Whatever I don't even care."

"wow...thats a lot to take in." said Ginny.

"Imagine how I feel." I said. 

"Just look at the bright-side Bella, you told George your feelings." said Hermione. "You're making some progress."

"yeah but I'm not completely sure that was a good idea." I replied. "what if he tells Fred and then Fred gets even more mad and never speaks to me again." "then what will I do?" 

"Don't think negative Bella." said Hermione. "I'm sure he won't, George isn't like that."

Both Ginny and Hermione finished packing, they had left their bags right by the door for tomorrow. Thank goodness I didn't need to pack. I had already been super overwhelmed packing would've just added to it. 

"Bloody--" said Ginny. "Its already almost 11 guys. we better get some sleep." 

"yeah, I don't want to be tired tomorrow. Cedric is coming and I have to be full of energy." I said. "I already know he's going to want to do a bunch of things." 

"night guys" replied Hermione, as she turned the lights off. 

"night" said Ginny and I. 


Nights At the Burrow | Fred and George Weasley | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now