16. Ending

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The green fire covered their faces as I left, and in an instant I was back home. My bags fell out of my hand, my hair stopped winding back and forth. There I stood, in the chimney of my house. I kicked the bags that lay on the floor. I headed straight to my room. I hadn't been here since what happen with Angelina. 

I went to my room, flung both doors open. That's when I saw pictures of my so called friends. I don't know what got into me but next thing I knew I was ripping up everyone out of those pictures. I pushed off every picture from my desk of them. I tore them off the walls too. I only keep the ones of me and Ginny. Everyone but her had taken Hermione's side. I couldn't believe them. 

I stormed off to my closet and scavenged for a box. I soon went to pick up the pictures and dump them into the box. I no longer wanted to see them. After everything they did and no one sincerely apologized. Then I lost it, after I tried so hard to keep myself together, I just lost it. I was throwing everything in my sight, not like I needed it. 

Thats when I saw it, the last picture. It was sitting on my bedside, perfectly unharmed. I ran to it and seized it with both hands, before I could throw the framed picture. Someone was standing between the open door of my room. My mother. I dropped the picture, wishing I could've thrown it. 

"Whats going on here Bella?" 

"Mom?" "I haven't seen YOU SINCE CHRISTMAS AND THAT'S ALL YOU SAY." "YOU COULDN'T EVEN SAY HELLO TO ME" I shouted. I know you shouldn't shout at your mother but she was no mother to me. She's never been there for me, she been there for Cedric more than she ever has for me. 

"Bella please don't shout at me, I was just leaving anyways, your father and I are heading out to the states on business." 

"Dad's here?" 

"No he's already left for New York." "Is Cedric here?" 

"goodness mother, You won't even greet me but you'll ask if Cedric is here." 

"I'll just leave you to yourself, seems like you're not in the mood to talk to your mother." 

"Leave, it's what you're best at." I said. My mother apparated out before I could even finish. She didn't even say bye, not like she ever does. I hadn't even realized the hot tears stream down my face. I hated crying, I hated feeling sad. I could feel my knees grow weak before falling to the ground. When my knees hit the ground, only more tears came to my eyes. The hot tears wouldn't stop no matter how many times I wiped them away. First my friends and then my own mother. 


Summer came and went, I hadn't spoken to any of my friends since. It was the last day of summer before I had to head back to Hogwarts. I really didn't want to. I tried to convince my parents to send to me to a school in France but that didn't work out. 

So that's where it ends. I didn't mean for things to end like this, but I am glad it did. It was for the best. 

September 1st. 

The Hogwarts express was the same. A long train ride to school. Compartments and full seats. Nothing changed, I still had friends just not the Weasleys. 

I'm not glad to be back. 

The End... (I think) 

Book 2 will be out very soon :)

If you guys want to see me write other fanfics, just comment and I can take it into consideration. 

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