15. H and G

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For the slightest moment, I felt empty, just stopped. No thoughts were running through my mind. It's like I was just there, just another person in the room, just another bystander. I knew it, I knew this would happen, a part of me wanted it too, but not now or even anymore. Throughout the days, I saw them, I watched him. The worst part was everyone already knew, everyone was fine with it, as if they had been together this entire time. I hadn't been confused not even the slightest bit. What was the point in this? Why did she decide now? 

I no longer wanted to be there, I didn't want to sit and watch them. I didn't care too. Maybe just maybe this was all a harmless prank, but I couldn't convince myself it was. I knew it all too well. I thought before George and I were falling apart, but now I knew this would be the ending. I hoped it wouldn't be, but it was. In those days we weren't talking I knew he had been with Hermione the whole time. She had been talking and hanging out with only him.Hermione hasn't talked to me in days, she couldn't even care to let me know. Seeing them that close in person hurt. I wish I could say I felt worse before but this was bad. I tried so hard to block out the noise of the room, their laughs. 

I didn't want to fall off with George, not yet. This wasn't the time for me to lose him. It took so much of my strength to move even just one step, let alone the 4 more to make it to the table. Ron and I both found a seat, across from them. Harry soon followed but he instead sat on the other side of Ginny.

I struggled lifting my head up, perhaps this wasn't too bright of an idea. I set my hands upon an empty looking cup and grabbed the fire whiskey. Everyone but Ron and I were talking, everyone grew louder and louder with laughter and excitement. I wasn't even remotely excited. I began to drink a little, gradually drinking more than before. I should've slowed down but I didn't want to remember any of this. 

Hermione stood up from her seat, oblivious to the elephant in the room. I could see her act almost as if she was married to him. She placed a small kiss on his freckled face and tangled her fingers in his ginger hair. A fairly joyful smile came across his face as he watched her leave. Just days ago nothing between them had ever happened, now it's like their feelings have always been there. I hate it, all of it, I hated staying here being forced into watching their relationship only grow farther while I stayed in the past. I had been so deep into my own mind, I hadn't realized Ron was to whispering me.

"Bella" I jolted my head to face Ron. I could tell by the look on his face, he too was confused to Hermione and George. I didn't understand why but I knew he too was feeling a bit hurt too. His face had a set blank expression, one where you couldn't tell what he wanted to say. He didn't say much else. 

Everyone had been drinking now, pouring new drinks each time a conversation broke out. The drinks became almost endless just drinks after drinks. I hated drinking it wasn't at all fun or even exciting. Fred across the table to Ginny about quidditch, Harry and Ron were talking about their summer homework, George and Hermione were just talking. I was so fed up their bullshit. This couldn't be true, either my eyes were lying or they were. I had to say something. I pushed my thoughts aside and engaged with the conversations, until we were a whole group again.

"So are just going to sit here?" uttered Ginny. "C'mon lets do something...together."

"Movie anyone?" suggested Harry. By the means of everyone's faces no one agreed with Harry.

"Truth or dare?" added Fred, in attempts to spice things up... he also said "with Veritaserum" 

"Oi Fred, is that what you've been doing all day?" asked Ron. 

"try all week." A few scattered laughs released and filled the room. "be right back!"

Fred headed up stairs and within the minute was back holding a small glass concoction. Either everyone was really drunk or just really out of it, because no one really knew what was about to happen. 

Nights At the Burrow | Fred and George Weasley | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now