5. Restless Day

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The boys had all headed for the water. I laid down, on the pink beach towel, I put on my sunglasses and flipped over to tan. I never really liked the water, don't get me wrong swimming is fun, but I've never been fond of the ocean water unless it was in the shallow. Whenever I've go to the beach I just like to relax and let my toes sink in to the sand. I had an extreme fear of the ocean water ever since I was young.

I closed my eyes and laid my head in my arms. I could feel the sun's heat up on my back. The sound of the oceans wave's crashing into each others, was so soothing. The small wind breeze made me feel all the more relaxed.

I turned over to the face the sun. This really was a day that had been needed. Ever since school got out, I've been stressed out with what to occupy myself with. Sometimes I can't wait til summer's over. Don't get me wrong summer is amazing at the Burrow with my friends, but school with all my friends is fun too.

That's when I heard footsteps come near where I was laying. The shadow had filled my frontside. I felt hands grab me and next thing I knew I was being picked up. Laughter filled the air. Except I knew that laugh, It was George's. I opened my eyes and I was in George's arms. Beside him was Fred and Ron.

"George Weasley!" I yelled. "PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW." I tried to escape his grasp but his grip had been firm on my body.

"Love, you're going to have to try a lot harder than that." he laughed.

George and the boys started to run towards the water.

"George please!!" I yelped. "I don't like the water please!!"

All he did was laugh as he continued to run towards the water.

I could see Ginny, Hermione, and Harry all laughing just waiting for me to fall into the water. George then threw me into the water.

"SERIOUSLY!" I said. "George are you serious!!"

The group all broke out into more laughter and I stood up from the water. My hair now dripping wet. My body shivering from the cold water. My whole body now soaked from the salty water. I had been furious with everyone. They knew I hated the water.And that I have feared the water and they all knew it, YET they still went and pulled this stunt.


"Bella, we only met it as a joke." replied Ron.

"Yeah we didn't think you'd...." said Fred.

"ENOUGH!" I said, cutting off Fred's words. "Really, Fred!" "You GUYS DIDN'T THINK WHAT!" "THAT MAYBE I WOULDN'T LIKE THE WATER OR CAUSE A BIG SCENE!"

"Bella calm down, its just water." said Harry.


I stormed off back to where I was once before.

They knew I was scared of the water, yet they still went and pulled this. I picked up my towel and dried myself off. I picked up my shorts and put them on. I dried off my sunglasses and headed to the pier. I needed to cool off. Before I left, Ron came up to me.

"Bella, wait" he said.

"Save it Ron." I replied. "look I'm not in the mood to talk right now!"

"Just let me explain." he said. "C'mon don't be like that" "really we meant it to be fun"

"Seriously Ron." "I don't want to hear it." I said.

"Look bella, we really didn't know you were that afraid of water." said Ron. "come on, don't go"

Nights At the Burrow | Fred and George Weasley | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now