Dodge This

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Hey y'all! I'm thinking about (Y/N) getting a semblance. (Maybe) If you have any ideas for one, comment or message me!

You walk into the main control room, and see Ironwood and Clover sitting around a circular table with a holographic map of Atlas on it.

Ironwood: Ah, (Y/N), thank you for coming.

(Y/N): General, Clover. What did you need to tell me?

Ironwood: Well, I wanted to tell you why I really wanted you up in Atlas.

(Y/N): And why is that?

Ironwood: Well, we recently lost our fifth member of the AceOps, Tortuga.

Clover: And we wanted you to replace them.

Ironwood: Yes, you have proven yourself very useful, and Oz has said great things about you.

(Y/N): Oz wanted me to go?

Ironwood: Well, no. It took me a lot of convincing to allow you to come up to Atlas. Oz was very against it anyway...

Ironwood: Well... what do you say?

(Y/N): Sorry General... I belong in Vale. I have a promise to keep...

Ironwood: Damn... Ah well. Clover, go ahead and get started on looking for a new replacement.

Clover: Yes sir.

He salutes and walks out of the room.

(Y/N): Sorry again, General.

Ironwood: It's okay, (Y/N)... Anyway, I have one last job for you before you ship out back to Vale tomorrow morning.

(Y/N): And that is?

Ironwood: Simple... I need you to help run security at an Atlesian Compound, connecting to the mines.

Ironwood: One of the guards got sick, and couldn't make it.

(Y/N): Sure thing General.

As you walk out, you see Ironwood sit at his desk and put his head into his hands.


You walk into the compound with your new gear. Some new clothes, an mp5sd, a Glock 19 on your hip, and a KABAR on your left thigh.

 Some new clothes, an mp5sd, a Glock 19 on your hip, and a KABAR on your left thigh

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