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You slowly awake to the feeling of sparks falling on you.

Your ears are violently ringing.

You groggily look around and see you are still in the train car with Banesaw. Or well, his corpse.

The train car had been crushed and extremely distorted.

As you sit up, you see you are on the roof of the car.

The entire car had been flipped over.

Some small rays of sunlight shine through the cracks in the train car.

The sounds of all forms of Grimm echo around you, such as the pitter-patter of paws or the occasional bark of a Beowolf.

You slowly stand up, and notice a sharp stinging in your side.

You look down and see a large piece of shrapnel impaling your side, as well as a smaller piece of shrapnel in the ass.

(Y/N): (sigh) Easy Company tradition...

Thick maroon blood pours from the wounds.

(Y/N): Shit... gotta get outta here.

You slowly duck and crawl through the rubble, reaching Banesaw's corpse.

His body is split diagonally by a large piece of metal.

You look down and see your m870 sawed in half.

(Y/N): Heh... Guess you could say it's a sawed off shotgun... (cough, cough)

You cough up thick, dark blood.

You then reach down and pick up his chainsaw.

You normally could carry it fine, but you become weak from the amount of blood that you've lost.

You slowly drag the chainsaw behind you, the blade scraping the floor, with your open hand clutching your side.

You eventually reach the door, where you pry it open with your hands.

You glance around and see that you are still in the tunnel, but there is a large amount of rubble and debris in the way, with small rays of sunlight breaking through.

Your vision starts to go blurry, so you shake your head to stay awake.

You hear footsteps, as well as high pitched barking.

You turn and raise your chainsaw to the Beowolf. Except it wasn't a Beowolf.

Oobleck quickly deflects the chainsaw with his thermos.

Oobleck: Ah, there you are Mr. (L/N).

Zwei: Yip Yip!

(Y/N): Wha- What are you guys doing down here?! W-where's my team?!

Oobleck: Your team is currently above ground, fighting off the Grimm in Vale. I suggest we go help them.

(Y/N): Agreed.

Oobleck: No, not you. You are obviously hurt, you need to stay back here and I will send for medevac right away.

(Y/N): No! I'm not leaving my team!

Oobleck sighs, then smirks.

Oobleck: Your determination is what makes a true Huntsman... Let's go.

You, Oobleck, and Zwei head over to the cave in.

Oobleck: Now, how do you suppose we escape from this collapsed tunnel?

(Y/N): Hmmm...

You look around and see a Paladin mech.

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