Black and White Pt. 2

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You idle your motorcycle as you drop the kickstand.

You hold your hand up to block the harsh sunlight hitting your eyes.

You begin to survey the street.

The 3rd building on Maple Street is an old derelict warehouse, the exterior is primarily composed of brick, as well as a tin roof.

You grab your shotgun and sneak into the alley beside the warehouse.

You raise your hand to the sky, and launch your grappling hook up towards the roof.

After tugging on the wire to make sure it's secure, you begin to scale the wall.

You would just use the motorized function to zip up onto the roof, but you don't want to alert the enemies inside.

As you reach the roof, the metal stings your hand from it's exposure to the sun's heat.

You peer down through the large windows on the roof, and see White Fang walking around, moving crates full of weapons and Dust.

In the middle of it all, a tall figure stands atop a pedestal, ordering the soldiers around.

You see the figure has a large, black Sickle strapped to their back.

(Y/N): That's gotta be him...

You silently fall down through the opened window, onto a catwalk.

There is a pair of White Fang directly under you, having a conversation.

You put your ear to the floor of the catwalk and listen in.

WF1: What the hell are we even doing here, man?

WF2: You ask me that same damn question every day...

WF1: No, I mean like, what are we doing here?

WF2: Oh, uh... We're stealing this huge Dust shipment from Atlas.

WF1: Is it coming by boat, or airship?

WF2: Boat, it should arrive at the docks tonight.

(Y/N): The Docks! I just really hope that Blake hasn't rejoined them... It's either that, or she's doing what I'm doing.

(Y/N): Y'know, might as well use this opportunity to get rid of some White Fang...

You fire your grappling hook down onto one of the two White Fang under you.

The blade on the end of the wire sticks into one of the White Fang members head's.

You jump off the backside of the catwalk, causing the body of the WF to fly upwards, with the wire now acting as a pulley system.

You use the momentum to swing down towards the other WF.

You kick their head, which breaks their neck.

You land on the ground in the middle of the warehouse floor, with all of the White Fang standing around you in awe.

A deep voice comes from under the head honcho's mask.

Sickle: What are you idiots doing?! Kill him!

A few White Fang begin to rush you with swords and guns.

The one directly in front of you swings her sword overhead, which you weave under.

Now with the swords-woman exposed, you raise the shotgun out beside you.

You fire into the body of the swords-woman, and using the recoil, the butt of the shotgun hits another member in the nose.

You pump the shotgun and fire into another.

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