Gamblin' Man

503 12 4

Hey all! Author here! Just wanted to check in and make sure you guys are enjoying! Anyways, here's a little mission for you!

You sit at a large betting table, surrounded by a Mistralian mafia group, The Golden Ursai.

You adjust the tie of your all black three piece suit, and tilt your felt black cowboy hat upwards, blocking the light from the large crystal chandelier above you.

(Y/N): Y'know... For this being the largest and most notorious casino in all of Mistral, you would've thought people would have been making higher bets, eh Hanzo?

Hanzo Hidetora, the clan leader of the Golden Ursai, is an older man but still very fit, wearing a black and gold tuxedo. His men stand around the table.

Hanzo quickly downs his drink.

Hanzo: You sure are very confident on your bets, young man...

(Y/N): Well, there's a phrase where I'm from, "Go big or go home", and I have no intention of heading home just yet...

Hanzo laughs.

Hanzo: You are very bold. What is your final price?

(Y/N): 700,000 Lien for team RWBY!

The casino goes silent, except for a few whispers here and there.

Hanzo: Interesting... It is only round one in the tournament and you are betting that much money on a first year team?

(Y/N): Well, what can I say, I'm a high roller.

Hanzo: I like your style... 700,000 Lien for team ABRN!

After a few minutes of staring at the large screen, you see Yang get launched forward and take out 3 of team ABRN, ending the match.

You slam your hands on the table, and jump up.

(Y/N): Whooo! Those are my girls!!!

You expected others to be celebrating as well, but everyone is staring at you in total silence.

Hanzo stares angrily at you, he is almost literally fuming.

Hanzo: Kill him!

His goons all begin firing off rounds towards you.

You quickly grab the Lien you won, and made a mad dash for the front door.

You dodge and weave over and around tables, losing your hat in the process.

But, four of Hanzo's goons had closed and locked the main doors.

You turn around, but are surrounded.

Hanzo slowly walks towards you, and stops a few yards away.

Hanzo: You thought you could cheat me? You are gravely mistaken...

He raises a golden revolver.

Hanzo: Any last words?

(Y/N): Yeah... What's your taste in light fixtures like?

Hanzo: Wha-?!

You quickly duck and dodge his shot, and pull your vp9 from your suit pocket, and fire a round into the chain of the chandelier.

The chandelier falls, killing Hanzo and his goons.

You pull the huge wad of Lien from your coat, and throw it onto the broken chandelier.

(Y/N): Keep the change, ya filthy animal...

You walk over to Hanzo's mangled corpse, and saw off his hand with your knife.

(Y/N): I have everything I need anyway...

You holster your pistol and calmly walk out of the casino.

A Few Days Earlier

You're leaning on Ozpin's desk.

(Y/N): So Oz, I'm all better now... What's my mission?

Ozpin: Well, there is a mafia that controls the Mistralian Faunus slave trade, I'd like you to go and dismantle it.

(Y/N): Good, I'm all for killing slavers.

Ozpin: I need you to get some information out of their leader, Hanzo Hidetora... Don't interrogate him, get close to him. And get to know him.

(Y/N): Look Oz, I know this is important, but this doesn't seem like part of our mission... What's the catch?

Ozpin: We believe they are selling the slaves to Salem, to use for her Grimm experiments... So be on the look out for that as well.

(Y/N): Consider it done.

Present Day

You quickly head to a dimly lit warehouse downtown.

The warehouse is empty, except with a fingerprint scanner.

You quickly put the hand against the scanner, and throw the door open.

You run down the stairs into the warehouse's basement, and fine what you were looking for.

Faunus 1: Please! Help us!

Faunus 2: Oh Gods, not another!

The walls are lined with cages full of enslaved Faunus.

You find a terminal, and once again place the hand against it, which unlocks all of the cages.

The Faunus all clamor out, and come up to you.

Some give you a nod, some hug you, and some even kiss you.

You feel a tugging on your leg, and look down to see a small female dog Faunus.

Faunus girl: Mister, are you an Angel?

(Y/N): Hm... I'm far from it, kid.

You lead all of the Faunus upstairs, and onto the street.

(Y/N): Look, you all need to get out of here. Go to the local police station and they will help you.

(Y/N): Okay, now it's about time to go home...

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