Where am I?

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(Y/N): "God... I hate school!"

(Y/N) said, falling back onto his bed.

(Y/N): "Ah well, I'll just take a little cat nap." (Y/N) yawned.

(Y/N) put in his earbuds and put his phone in his pocket and listened to some music as he drifted off to sleep.


As (Y/N) slowly opened his eyes, he realized he was looking at a cloudy sky instead of the ceiling to his room.

(Y/N): "Huh... well that's new..."

As (Y/N) looked around, he noticed that he was in the middle of a forest, with a dirt road cutting through the middle of it.

(Y/N): "Toto... I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."

After looking around for a second, he saw a cloaked figure on a white horse trotting along the dirt path.

(Y/N): "Huh, I bet they can help!!"

(Y/N) walked out of the forest and into an open field.

As (Y/N) continued walking to the figure on horseback, he noticed a Dark-skinned girl with mint green hair standing in the road.

He then watched the cloaked figure get off of the horse, and kneel on the ground about 25 feet from the Green haired girl.

(Y/N): "Um... ok?"

Then, the cloaked figure leaped back, pulling out a staff and revealing themself to be a girl with short brown hair and what looks like medieval clothing, as the Green Haired girl pulled out two pistols and started firing at the Brown Haired girl

(Y/N): "Holy shit!"

(Y/N) hid behind the fence following alongside the dirt road as the chaos ensued.

A man who had grey hair came running out of the field and helped attack the brown haired woman.

Then, the brown haired lady started... flying?

(Y/N): "What the f-"

(Y/N) was cut off by loud booms of thunder and lightning flashes surrounding the area.

He then looked over to see a third assailant with black hair and a red dress, with a bow and arrow.

After a few more seconds of watching the fighting, he saw that the Green haired girl was on the ground, with the Brown haired girl about to impale her with her staff.

(Y/N): "Wait, Don't-!"

The brown haired woman looked up to see who was calling out to her, until she gasped in surprise as an arrow lodged into her back.

Soon the assailants pinned the brown haired girl to the ground as the woman in the red dress began to walk towards her.

Gusts of wind blew in all directions, pushing everyone off of their feet.

The lady in the red dress put on a glove and held it to the brown haired woman's face, as something shot out of it, causing the brown haired woman to scream in pain.

As an instant reaction, (Y/N) rushed out from behind the fence to protect the brown haired woman, he grabbed the black thing from the glove and yanked it off.

Red Dress Woman: "What the hell?!"

She quickly nocks an arrow into her bow and pulls back on the string.

(Y/N) instantly jumps on the now unconscious brown haired woman to shield her from the attack.

Until (Y/N) feels a sharp pain, as he sees the arrow lodge into his left shoulder.

As he starts to black out, he sees a man with Black, scruffy hair and a broadsword running up to them, and he begins to fight off the assailants.

Then everything goes black...

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