Chapter 10

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"Huh?" I woke up in a dark room with unfamiliar sounds coming from outside.

It was pretty dark but it looks like it was already evening. My body feels numb and I'm really hungry.

I got up and adjusted myself to do surroundings and realized that I was still in my room. I thought the lights were open and my room's supposed to be organized. Now my room is a mess.

I searched for the door and hit my desk. I found the doorknob beside it.

When I opened the door, the light started swarming into my room. I went out and noticed Beel was outside.


"Ah, (Y/N)! You're awake. That's good," he swallowed his bat sandwich.

"What's good?" I asked.

"I mean," I munched, "You're second form...while you're asleep."


"Well, yeah," he said.

[(A/N): Play as soon yall heard]

I sighed, "What happened to the others? Looks like you're the only one here."

"Oh, them? They're with Lord Diavolo, I think," he replied.

"Okay, then," I dropped the subject and returned to my room.

I got up my notebook and started brainstorming about what I actually looked like on my second form. I giggled.

I rolled in my bed and closed my eyes.


"She's awake, right?" a voice outside my room said.

"Yeah, Sushifer," Beel's voice replied.

"Don't call me that," he said. They opened the door and saw me scribbling in my notebook.

"Glad, you're awake, (Y/N)," Lucifer said.

"Okay...?" I said.

"No need to feel nervous," he smiled, I shivered.

"Whoa, Lucifer, you were the one who made (Y/N) nervous," Asmo said from behind.

"Want me to end you, Asmodeus?" Lucifer threatened.

"No, thank you. I'm too perfect for that," he chuckled and went back out.

"I don't care if you're perfect because you're not," he scoffed and turned back to me.

"Why're you here, then?" I asked.

"I just wanted to check on you," he said, "See you later at the dinner table."

He waved back at me and left. "By the way, here's a free snack I baked a while ago," Beel handed me a slice of cake.

"This looks really delicious," I started drooling over the scent of the cake.

I took a bite of the cake and the taste started flowing into my mouth.

"Thank you, Beel! This is really great!" I started getting more spoonfuls of cake and ended getting more slices.


(A/N): Sushifer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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