Chapter 20

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"Empty?" I say while snatching the paper in his hands. 'Ah. Wow. Empty.'

Levi scoot over beside me and took a look, "I'll check my D.D.D." He checked his phone and was surprised that it was still there. Except the letters were slowly fading.

"H-Hurry! Go write the rest of the letter before it fades!" Levi panicked, handing the phone to me so I could copy it. Now it was written down on a ripped piece of paper.

"Should we ask Lucifer for help?" I ask silently.

Satan grimaced and shook his head in disgust, "Yeah, no. I think not. You two go to Diavolo or something before it starts to rain. I'll go research in a few things."

"Oh, sure." I put the piece of paper in my pocket and we left Satan's room in silence.


The both of us arrived there before the rain poured down violently. I'm glad none of us were dripping wet. Surprisingly, the door slowly opened and came out Barbatos.

"Ah, (Y/N). Did you get the letter?" Barbatos asked, leading us inside.

"Wait, you also have one?" Levi gasped. "Yes, I do. I just got it recently. Here take a look," Barbatos handed a note to us and we read it.

"Hello to myself, seventeen years in the past.

As you can see, this is a letter from the future. And I need your help regarding the human breed, (Y/N). Unfortunately, she has a very bad future ahead of her. So please follow my instructions in the upcoming letter.

By the way, (Y/N) also received one. She'll be heading towards you along with Leviathan. It's about the letter.

Hope we contact again, my past self."

"Wow, yours is much shorter. Here have mine," I say, handing the written note in his hands. He read it and handed it back to me. "So it wasn't a prank, huh?" Barbatos says under his breath.

"You thought so too?" Levi asked.

"Sure, I did," he replied.

"So what should we do now?" I asked Barbatos. "I guess we'll just have to follow what it says. After all, this is quite serious."


(A/N): I am ✨sorry✨Oml there are times where I forget to add a chapter name

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