Chapter 15

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"H-Hey, you're not kidding, right?" I said while staring at him, bewildered.

"I don't know how were they able to upload the video in an instant," Barbatos said worriedly. Lucifer came into sight and caught his breath.

"You guys saw it too, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, it was epic," I smirked and chuckled lightly. He scoffed at my recklessness, then turned away. "Oh, you came here to bring me chaos, huh?" I said, averting my eyes behind him.

Luke came sprinting towards me while Simeon trailed behind him.

"(Y/N)! I'm glad you're alright!" he tightened his arms around my waist, then gradually suffocating me. "Despite being small, you're far too strong..." I struggled from his grip as I said so.

"Hup, out you go," Simeon seized the meatball from killing me, then put him on his shoulder.

"Waaah! Don't drag me away! I rushed all the way here to see if she's fine!" Luke whined while he was taken off by the merciful Simeon.

"I came all the way here to stop you from doing your first crime, thank you," and he went away with Luke.

[(A/N): Play once yall heard it. The video also fits with the roast. What did I do?-]

(Bonus as part of Y/N's POV ⬆)


I replayed the video multiple times after I had returned to my bedroom**. 'Man, the edits were so unnecessary. What the hell?'

Though, I'm shocked they did that right after Diavolo "descended from the heavens to save my ass."

More like from the Devil Lord's Castle.'  I thought.

I set my legs on my desk and scrolled on my D.D.D. Similar posts on the sparring covered the whole Devilgram platform. Sheesh.

Diavolo requested me a late-midnight training later since he was interested in what I could do. In fact, I didn't know what I did back then. It was as if I was controlled by someone else.

I glanced at my hand in awe. Flashbacks of the fight coursed through my head as I looked at it deeply.

"(Y/N)," Lucifer said behind my bedroom door, "Lord Diavolo wants you out right now."

My legs became sore as I stepped out of the House of Lamentation. I met up with Diavolo later on when I had arrived around their gate.

"So? Let's get started."


**Y/N repeatedly watches the video

The video:  oOoOoOOooOOoOOOooHHHHH

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