Chapter 12

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(A/N): Kawaii song 💅


"W-W-Wait, why are you guys featuring me?" I took a step back, cautiously stared at them.

They sighed, "You do know that news about the human transferee being a breed of the three worlds, right? That's you, of course."

"It's not even necessary!" I said back.

"Ugh, look, human. It is necessary 'cause, duh, you're powerful than us, demons. As if you're a godly being!" the others nodded.

"RAD Newspaper Club. What she says is what she says. Please leave her alone as she asks you to," a familiar cold voice ordered the club.

"Eek! It's Lucifer! We gotta go!" they scrambled away from us.

"Oh, Lucifer. Good day," I greeted him.

"Good day to you too. What were you doing anyways?" Lucifer asked.

"Well, I was heading for the library so I could finish the upcoming project this month. I bumped into them, unfortunately, and tried to convince them that it wasn't anything important," I chuckled nervously.

"Sorry to interrupt you then," he said.

"Ah, no, no! It's fine. Thanks for saving me, I guess," I went off with my cartolina and markers, and walked away.


"Hey, (Y/N)-chan," Mina turned at me.

"Yeah?" I swallowed.

"We haven't seen each other for a while, hm?"

"Yeah. I'm pretty busy right now," I sighed silently.

"So it's true that you're staying in the House of Lamentation for you to control your abilities?"

"Yeah, but I can't say it started, you know," I giggled.

"You better update how is it staying with the Seven Brothers. I mean, they're kinda hot," she giggled too.

I grimaced at the fact she joined Mammon in the description. You know...his greedy personality and his obsession of money...and Goldie.

"Yeah, sure," I smirked, "How's your studies, then?"

"Dunno...stressing, maybe."

"You failed at lot, didn't you?" I nugded her arm.

"Yeah, I did," Both of us laugh.

I checked my D.D.D. and my eyes widen. "Oh, God. I see Lucifer glaring at me! I'm late, gotta go, Mina-chan! Sorry! I'll call ya later!" I dashed out of my classroom and straight down the stairs.

'Shit! Shit! Shit! I wish I could fly!-' Before I knew, my feet gradually left the ground, it looked like...

"WAIT WHAT?! I CAN FLY AND-" I flew fast like an eagle and hit a wall. 'I should practice my landing later...'

"Hey, (Y/N). Nice landing of yours," Satan snickered from the window.

"Be glad I didn't smash your window and thrashed your bed, Satan," I growled back.

"Ah, (Y/N). Are you okay? Here, have a burger," he handed one to me.

(A/N): Baby Beel, thank you for the offering o((>ω< ))o

"Thanks, Beel. Man, I literally need to try flying again," I sighed.

"Yeah! On my window, maybe!" Satan yelled.

"Shut your ass, Satan!" I yelled back.

"Come in, (Y/N). I'm making soup right now. You need some," he took my hand and we went in.

"Make sure I don't swallow a snail, Beel. I'm watching how you cook in the kitchen."


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