Chapter 9

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  After regaining my consciousness, I stared at this familiar ceiling and listened to panicked voices around me. 

It sounded like Lord Diavolo and Barbotos were beside me, talking about something I have no idea about, and a crazy Luke complaining that I shouldn't have gone to the House of Lamentation. I heard the door open so I decided to look around.

"(Y/N)! I'm glad you're awake!" Luke jumped at me while I noticed Solomon grab him before suffocating me.

I sat up and stared down at my clothes and looked up, "Thanks for trying not to be killed by a chiua-- I mean Luke."

"No worries," Solomon smiled and put down Luke, "Do you feel anything right now, (Y/N)?"

I stretched my hands, my feet, and my back, "Yes, I don't feel like I might puke."

"Well, that's good," Lord Diavolo finally spoke up, "Solomon, I'll leave the rest to you, okay?"

"Okay, then," Lord Diavolo and Barbatos went out.

"(Y/N)...I'm gonna talk to you later, alright?" Luke said and went out.

"I suggest you close your eyes, (Y/N), it'll take an hour to give you a check-up," Solomon moved to the other side of the bed, as I close my eyes slowly.


Satan's POV ((lol))

  I hummed while I was reading about this good book I got from Akuzon. I picked up an apple and bit through it. As I was about to read the last part of a sad chapter, I heard a knock from my door. I got up and opened the door, seeing Asmo and Beel in front of me.

"Satan, do you have time now?" Beel asked while eating a hamburger.

"Yeah, I guess. Why do you ask?" I went back in, with the door open, and got my book from my bed.

"Lucifer asked Beel to go to (Y/N)'s room while she sleeps," Asmo answered for Beel, "He asked me to come with him because he knew I'd be excited to see (Y/N) again."

"So why ask me to come with you?" I asked suspiciously.

"I dunno," Beel replied, "You met with (Y/N) first when she came in yesterday."

"Fine, I'll go," we walked across the hall, reaching (Y/N)'s room. Before I could hold the doorknob, the three of us felt an immense aura from her room.

  We both nodded to each other and barged into her room. Me, Asmo, and Beel were completely shocked. From (Y/N)'s bed, demon's wings sprouted from her back as she turned over, sleeping sound. Her clothes were different from the pjs she usually wore, like what Simeon said.

I panicked and got out of the room. I told Beel and Asmo to look out for her. I ran as fast as I could, trying to get in contact with Lucifer. I opened his door, but it was locked. I knocked at the door and yelled, "Lucifer! Something's important!"

Lucifer slowly opened the door, "Asking for help from me?" he frowned.

"Don't get upset all of a sudden! It's about (Y/N)! She looks different!"

"(Y/N)?" he asked and I nodded. We dashed back into (Y/N)'s room seeing Asmo and Beel outside. The aura surrounding the room has gotten worse than the first. It felt deadly but we went in.

  She was still in the same position. The demon wings became bigger than the first. We tried to nudge her awake but she wouldn't get up.

  Asmo got his D.D.D. and called Lord Diavolo but he didn't pick it up. He found Barbatos' number and called him. He finally answered and said he'll come over.

  Lucifer and I managed to wake her up before Barbatos arrived. The aura in the room gradually lessened and her wings slowly became smaller then disappeared.

  Barbatos and Solomon came rushing in while seeing Lucifer and me in shock. We didn't know if her aura took effect on us. We noticed it brought our demon forms out of us.

  (Y/N) finally got up from her head, confused why there's a lot of people in her room. "Uhmm... you guys seem tense. Did something just happen? Or does it seem like you two had a fight?"

All of us looked at each other and sat down. Before we could explain, she already fainted into her bed.


(A/N): Ayee. Advanced Merry Christmas, guys! Lmao, I'm saying this early 'cause next few days I won't have any WiFi. LOL. Sorry this chapter's a bit long. Anyways, good day :DD

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