Chapter 4

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I scrolled through my D.D.D wondering what I should do. It's already 12 Midnight and I haven't eaten anything. I walked out of my room heading to the kitchen while I notice a note near the dinner table.

"Dear (Y/N),

We're really worried that you wouldn't eat so your dinner is by the counter. Eat well, okay?

P.S. If you ate dinner late at night, don't sleep with a full stomach.

Sincerely, Simeon, Luke, Solomon, and Beel


'Beel? I bet he came in for food' I crumpled the note and walked to the counter seeing a bountiful dinner. Some were already eaten by Beel but the rest were untouched. I ate my dinner until my D.D.D. started to vibrate beside me. I opened my phone and waited for whoever called me.

"I didn't know you're awake at this time," Diavolo said out of my phone.

"More like, I didn't know you can talk to me personally," I scoffed, "And it's rare for you to call me, what's the big deal?"

"Now, now. Don't be so harsh. I kinda need your help here," Diavolo said.

"Tch. Why ask for help from a lowly human like me? You guys are more powerful than I am."

"Nah, not really. You did hear what I said earlier, you were a breed of all realms. I'm guessing your power is rivaling mine," he laughed.

"You bastard, I don't even know what I can do. I'll be there in a minute. I need to wash the dishes right now," I ended the call and stood up.

  For a short moment, I feel like something is tingling within my body. I didn't know what was happening but the pain started to subside after a few minutes.

  After washing dishes, I head out of the Purgatory Hall as fast as possible. As I reached the Demon Lord's Castle, Diavolo went out holding a few piles of papers. Once he looked up at me, he gasped and stood still.

"Hey, what's the matter, Red Face?" I gave him a confused look waiting impatiently for his reply.


"I what?"

"You have wings."

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