Chapter 21

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We went back into House of Lamentation in silence. Neither the two of us could say a single word about Barbatos' letter.

Now I'm in my room, laying down silently and closing my eyes. So it's true that the future Barbatos did help my future self, huh?

I rolled around and found a letter that was never there before. I peeped inside and found numerous series of events that might last for a WHOLE year.

I put back the papers in the envelope, not caring for a single thing inside. I'm too tired to care anyway.

...Must be about my future self...

I hastily got up and snatched the paper into my hands. No. It can't be...

June 4

- Someone wants to meet you. Of course, it's a devil. Who else?+

⦿ Don't go. Ever. It will be your greatest regret. If there's a call right now, NEVER answer it.

What the...June 4 is tomorrow, isn't it? My phone started to beep violently on the side table. My eyes widened and looked back at the advice.

It's all true!

I threw the phone into the laundry basket and waited for it to let go. But it didn't.

I checked the screen and it was a face I don't recognize. I ended the call and sighed. The laundry basket itself started to vibrate.

"Gah! What the hell is this?!"

The room went silent after half an hour. I'm glad it went out. Mammon unlatched the door, making a panic expression.

"(Y/N)! This guy's going crazy! He wants to talk to you!" he said.

"Wha- No, don't give me the phone!" I shoved him out of my room.

Why did he try to contact Mammon, anyways? Then I heard Satan's familiar footsteps outside my room.

I couldn't hear what he's saying but I think it was, "Who's this guy? He wants to talk (Y/N)."

I heard Mammon's yelp, "I know right? He's going crazy in my phone too!" I received knocking on my door. I open it and found Satan and Mammon.

I grabbed Satan and shut the door without Mammon. "Hey! What the hell, man?!" he banged on the door.

"Satan, check this out!" I whisper-yelled, even with the emptiness of the room.

He read the June 4 entry and his eyes widened. "It's true!"


He bit his thumb and looked at the letter again. I swear, I think I saw his gears were moving.

Then he finally spoke. "I think it's really best to follow the letter from now on, like what Barbatos said."

I looked outside and back at the paper he held in his hands.

Yeah. There really isn't anything else I could do other than that.


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