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Warning: May include sex, nudity, smoking, and language within this chapter.

./.Sicily, Italy./.

Samuel excused himself from his friends and the party that strangers had joined in for the fun of his 21st birthday. He was rather buzzed since he had never drank before today. He needed to pee, and with a small body like his, it was rather immediate.

He found himself walking alone down a long, stone pathway with small trees, turning right as he spotted the main building of the hotel, where he was sure to find a bathroom. Before he got further towards the building, he felt a tingling sensation slither its way down his spine, feeling as if someone was following him. He had learned in Psychology that the human body has a defense mechanism for subconscious surroundings.

He turned around, coming face to chest with a tall man, wearing an all black suit.

"Are you lost, baby boy?" Massimo asked, as Samuel gazed up at him, taking in his appearance.

The tall, muscular man in front of him with his thick, sexual undertoned Italian accent, melted caramel mixed with the warm hues of a fading sun, his smooth, charcoal hair that had sat perfectly on top of his hair, those perfect, white teeth as he gave a sinister grin. He seemed familiar somehow, but Samuel couldn't place the memory inside his mind.

Samuel scoffed at the man, averting his gaze as he suddenly remembered that this Adonis-like man had been the one that had been following him. He started walking away from the man, glancing back to see the man had disappeared just as quickly as he appeared.

"What the fuck?" he muttered to himself in confusion with a scrunched look on his face while he stood there with his arms across his chest.

It was winter, the solstice in fact, and little snowflakes began to fall, as small and light as the dandruff that never seemed to lay an inch upon Samuel's dark curls.

The feeling of needing to extract liquids from his body departed, so he made the choice of returning to the party to meet up with his friends and boyfriend, who eagerly waited for his arrival.

"Shit, I thought you'd never come back, Sammy," Filip, Samuel's best friend in the world, said. "Or fallen into the toilet."

They both laughed together at the comment Filip had made, nearly forgetting about the man he had just came into contact with a few minutes ago.

./.The next morning./.

Samuel laid down on the reclined pool chair beside Filip, smoothing out his red trunks and put on his shades to block out the harmful rays of the sun from the reflective windows.

"Oh, look! Our wine is here, thank fucking God. Our boyfriends are giving me a headache. A bottle of red is the perfect cure for any boyfriend drama," Filip said with a smile on his face as he sat up from his pool chair. "Grazie," he said to the man who brought out their wine.

Samuel looked over the man, who was exchanging the empty bottle of white the two already had shared; Filip drinking at least three glasses more than himself.

"Fucking balls, why do these seagulls have to be so loud?" Filip complained, sitting back down with a glass of chilled wine in the heated room that contained an indoor pool.

Samuel glanced over at his best friend, giving him a smile. "Where's Michal-Angelo?"

"As you can see," Filip said, sitting back up and looking towards the shallow end of the rather packed pool. "The child is playing in the wading pool," he ended the conversation about his so-called boyfriend. "What about Kacper?" he grinned, leaning back down into his chair.

"I don't know, he wasn't there when I woke up," Samuel shrugged. "I don't know where he is, he doesn't answer his phone. I'm getting tired of being like a damn babysitter to him rather than a boyfriend."

"What? I can't believe he's acting like an asshole, even on your own birthday. You only turn 21 once," Filip said, looking at Samuel who was looking around at his surroundings of the pool area.

"You don't say," Samuel responded with sarcasm. "The next one is just a year away. And you know what? I'm not the most important thing to him. In Kacper's hierarchy, I'm way behind his buddies and his work- and most importantly, way behind him."

"Hey, babe," Kacper said, walking towards the two boys as he set his black duffel bag down. "How are you? How about some authentic pesto for lunch?" he asked, pressing small kisses all over Samuel's neck, who turned his head to dodge a kiss on the lips.

"Pesto? My favorite. Where the hell were you?" Samuel asked, glancing up at Kacper, who backed away and looked down at him, confused.

"Etna. You were sleeping like the dead. Didn't want to wake you up for a hike. None of us are getting any younger," he defended himself.

"Yeah, none of us are getting any younger. Did you have a fun time?"

"Jesus, it was fucking amazing," Kacper said, reliving the memory. "You would have loved it. You can experience snow and the sea at the same time. Fucking cool!"

"You fucking idiot! Don't you remember? We were supposed to go there together," Samuel said, sitting up, an angered expression to match his tone. "Why have you left me all alone, on my birthday of all days?"

"Jesus, don't get so worked up. With your weak heart, you shouldn't do that."

"Fuck off with that heart argument again," Samuel spat in his face. "Do you care about anything but your damn self? What am I to you?"

"You think I don't care about you?" Kacper argued. "I've been looking for this for over an hour," he said, digging his hand into his pocket. "See? It's for you, darlin'."

Kacper made the sounds of kissing as he stood up, holding up a magnetic photograph of the mountain that one could hang on their fridge at home.

"Thank you so very much, baby," Samuel said, kissing Kacper on the lips before shoving him directly into the pool. "Now, kindly go fuck yourself."

. . .

Time had passed while Samuel was walking around the gorgeous city, trying to clear his mind off of Kacper and how he felt untreated and as if he truly didn't care for him. He occasionally stopped to look at old buildings, not caring about the hot tears that ran down his cheeks when they started to overwhelm him.

He began to explore down random alleyways, not knowing or caring where one might lead, but did however get startled and pick up the pace when he saw a group of what appeared to be homeless men catcalling out to him. He walked past a dumpster, running off when he heard the growl of a dog- an SUV shining its bright headlights at Samuel as he arrived at a large opening.

"Good evening," a man with a man bun said, scaring Samuel as he backed up into him.

Samuel tried to get away from the man, but to no avail, as he wrapped a large arm around his waist and used his free one to inject a seductive into the side of Samuel's neck, who slowly passed out in a matter of seconds.

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